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Dandelion greens and leaves, are the number 1 dark green leafy veggie for parrots. Most markets sell it. I wouldn't recommend picking it out of your yard unless it's a container plant you planted! From your yard it could have saliva, dog and cat droppings, etc. Always remember to rinse in Organic apple cider vinegar or GSE .Thanks Jayd

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Do most parrots tend to like Dandelion? I've tried Francis on kale, collards, bok choy, and chinese spinach so far. He chucks it out of the way so he can get to the beans...he loves his beans or peas! The rest of the veggies get a bit of a nibble here and there. But the leafies, I think, I end up throwing away with the paper or vacuuming off the floor for the most part.

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  • 2 weeks later...
One dandelions is all i found in my whole garden!! ONE! Lol and George didn't touch it.


... boy, I wish I could say that!! There's a constant supply for the fids because they're a pain in my yard.


I shred dandelion greens into the mix of veggies & grains I make for Kura. She'll eat them that way, but just mostly plays if it's the whole leaf or flower.


Phenix likes me to give him mostly stems a couple inches long. He'll just pitch it if I make him strip the leaf for himself.


Not that he's spoiled or anything. I'm just well trained. :rolleyes:

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