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Introducing...hmmmm, I need a little help here!


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Oh my goodness! How precious!!! She/he is gorgeos!! All is well?

Names - well, I like Kito - rolls off the tonge, and he/she obviously is! I equally like Bela, Zuri and Bijou! You'll just have to see which name suits her personality! Good luck and thanks for the pics!

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jayd...I'm using a man made brooder that I'm borrowing from the rescue. It's a partial open top with a ceramic bulb keeping a constant temp of 85 degrees until he gets more feathers. And he's 4 weeks so maybe he just looks young to you. Everything is great, he's eating good, normal poop, sleeping normal, normal weight gain...first sign of anything and I'm at the vet and or breeder. I have my constant eye of him.


I thought that's what you were using. I hope to write a book some day so I'm comparing photo' of Grey's at different ages. Babies from different back grounds look some what different from each other, and when age is given in weeks, that can be off by as much as 3 days either way! I'm very sorry, no offense was meant to you, nor was I doubting your word!!! As far as the temp is concerned, that was also just a question I asked, some people keep it on the high side of 90, others on the low side...At my rescue we keep it at the high side. Sorry again, I have no doubts about the great care and devotion you'll give this wonderful creation!!!!! Sorry Jayd

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One of the names I considered for our baby (who turned out to be a boy) was Akila - Swahili, "intelligent," "she who reasons" Seemed like a good name for a grey girl, especially if you're leaning toward an African name.

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I have a Kito, and Zuri was second on my list of girl names. Kyan means little king and Raimi means compassionate (those were my 2 favorite boy names). Funny, my very first pet bird was an english budgie I named Blueberry. I still miss him!

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