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Alfies new harness


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Alfie tried on her new harness today. When I ordered it I forgot to ask for a silver one, and got sent a green one instead. I was worried she wouldn't like the colour, but it's been lying around for a week and when we tried it today she was ok with it!












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Hi Lex, when you buy a new Aviator Harness, which this one is, they come with a DVD showing you how to fit it. It is fairly easy to fit, a little bit fiddley until you get used to it, but it's fine. Before you try any harness I would say your bird needs to be comfortable with you handling her wings, she needs to be used to the harness lying about for a while, let her touch it and play with it, associate it with treats and nice things. Practice with it just laying loosely over her back before you try to put it on her and make sure she is ok with that first. There are many threads on here that will help you, and YouTube has some tutorials on harness training too. It won't happen overnight, but is well worth perservering with as it's just great being able to go for a walk with your grey. Alfie really enjoys coming out with us - at least she seems to!

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Lyn what wonderful pictures of Alfie, she is so pretty and you take very good photos, she is enjoying the outside air and having a good time, thanks for sharing the pics with us and I think it is a pretty shade of green, it just sets off her good looks.

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We also bought Oscar the aviator harness, it isn't a problem to put on him, and he doesn't seem to mind it once it is on him. I find it's a bit more difficult to take it off...We are trying to get him accustomed to it early so it is not a problem later on.

photo 5..jpg

photo 4..jpg

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Thanks folks. I think she suits green too, lol - it's one of my favourite colours! She does enjoy being outside - these pics were taken on my phone cos I didn't have the regular camera!

Adina, you should give it a try with Emma - has she had a harness on before?

Aeriga, let us know how the flight suit goes. I've never seen one on before.

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Yet again, David Bailey rides again! Lyn, these photos are absolutely superb and I am sooooo jealous that even a change in harness is just accepted by Alfie! I love the green though - perhaps it's the common silver that Harvey has taken an aversion to!!! Thanks for sharing them ~ I love them!

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GreYt photos of Alfie out on th harness. Thanks for sharing this Lyn!


Lex - The harnesses have an elastic lead material that stretchs when the bird reachs the end of the lead. This avoids the bird from having an abrupt stop like a dog leash has.

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Thanks you lot!

Jill, I really did think she might not go for it, being a different colour and all - she must think it suits her though!!!

Yes, the elasticated lead does give me piece of mind that she won't hurt herself if she does get to the end of it - she has done a couple of times and it just pings her back gently to my hand.

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And great job Alfie for wearing the harness and for just being so darn cute!

Lol - thanks. She is good at the being cute isn't she!! It is ok for me to blow her own trumpet isn't it........?!

Haha Bonnie - I think I use my phone as a camera more than I use it as an actual phone!!!!

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Wow~ on the harness, on the pics! Alfie accepted a harness after just a week? Do you think it is the timing of trying it after she has built trust in you, or is she generally that accomodating? Kopi has been here a couple of months and it has just been within the past week he will let me move his floor stand near his cage. I can't imagine him letting me put the harness over his head yet. I love that you can take Alfie outside with you. Clearly you live in a beautiful place with the pictures just being from your phone, your colors are so bright and your details so vivid.

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