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Strange behaviour


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Argyle is displaying some strange behaviour today, behaviour I've not seen since I've had him (almost a year) he has been on the floor of his cage, busying himself, chittering to himself all the while and getting himself between the newspaper sheets. Now he has pulled up a sheet and is shredding it. Do you think Argyle may infact be a "she" and could this be nesting behaviour?

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How old is Argyle? It may be he/she has just found a new way to self entertain, all our birds love shredding paper, getting inside paper bags or boxes too.


I think he's just coming-up 4 but that could possibly be 5. I think for a hahns macaw that is mature.

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He doesn't have to be a she to do this. Almost all parrots do this at different times for different reasons. Hormonal. playing, boredom etc. It's nothing to worry about. More than likely, your bird doesn't even pay attention to you when he's doing it. It happens more often when a bird can get to material very easily. There are some parrots that only do that because nature is telling them to make a nest. With some species, the male and female do it even though they're in separate cages. All has to do with nature. Put tiny twigs in and he'll mix the twigs in with the paper although I wouldn't recommend it because your parrot is a pet.


PS--now that your bird is approaching adulthood, it will do this for the rest of it's life.

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What made me wonder about the nest building was he seemed to be trying to push the newspaper into his food bowl but he has been back to his normal self today, maybe it was something & nothing lol we await to see if it happens again.


It was kinda funny how he was chattering away whilst between the newspaper lol

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One of my budgies did this ~ and this one did turn out to be a "she" and laid an egg (unfertilised of course)!! It was so sad when I had to take it off her :( She really pined for it - but I was advised to remove it. Hey presto, she was good to go again in a few days. Hopefully Argyle is just moving furniture though! :)

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