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Help with equipping a cage for a 'differently abled' bird


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We just took in a 70 day old hand raised Grey baby - he has a deformed leg (fracture that set wrong). Our vets have suggested NO surgery since he can walk around and has also just begun perching. Instead they recommended a living set up for him with lots of perches at varying heights and some climbing tools.


This is our first Grey - any help and advice is appreciated. I am in India and have access to most cages, soft woods, materials needed.


Lucky is currently house in a cage where the top opens up to be converted in to a perch....horizontal bars on the sides and vertical front and back.

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Congrats on your new grey and much thanks for giving a disabled bird a new forever home. I don't personally have any ideas but we do have other members who will be along shortly to give you some suggestions and ideas for what you can do to help this bird lead a near to normal life.

I would love to see some pictures of Lucky and he is so aptly named.

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Thank you for this wonderful thine your doing....Rope perch's would be grey't, a small cargo net on one side of the cage,[homemade], and short 3" long bolt on perches. Thank you... Jayd, Maggie, and Spock and the flock

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Ozzy has a deformed leg too, it is side to side in stead of out infront of him. What we have done that worked well is we have low perches and some half way up the cage, we also line the bottom of the cage with paper ecause it makes it easier for him to walk and not be on bars. He has 2 rope perches and will be getting another. He also has some more natural type perches. Lots of toys all over and a bunch of foot toys ontop of and on the bottom of the cage. He loves the foot toys great to work with his feet too. When we got him he hard a hard time lifting is bad leg at all more dragged it, he now has a harder grip and can lift it up 3 times as far. He has a ladder from the ground to his cage and we will be getting a rope that will go from the top perch ontop of his cage down through the cage bars through the cage and down to the ground. We also have flat perches and will be putting a flat perch attached to the wall with rope to get from cage to that one.


You are in for some great fun and Ozzy amazes us daily on what he can do and yoru baby will too.

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