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sleeping - cover or not?


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I have been to a breeders today and it has got me thinking again. :)

If the breeder does not cover the cage can you start this as soon as the gray moves into it new home or do you have to do it a little bit at a time?


I didnt ask if he normally does but ill ask if i go back and get my grey off him.


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To cover or not to cover is a personal preference but I do and always have covered my bird's cages at night, I started this the first day they were brought home and I don't recall having any problem with doing it and they weren't covered at the breeders house. I think it gives them a little privacy when they are sleeping.

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Here in the UK it is recommended that a bird is covered - the temperatures drop too low at night and the covers keep the drafts out. This is the one I have - they are complete black out, but are also breatheable. Also - at this time of the year when it's very bright until late, it helps make them comfy for bed.




I know this is the manufacturers site in the states - but you can buy them all over the place.

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Something to keep in mind if you use a cover. Don't sleep in for the whole morning and find a grumpy grey waiting for you impatiently :o


LOL Dave!


We cover our grey and I get up very early around 4am. About 6 am, he will start saying good morning, how are you. If I don't respond, he will start contact calling to ensure I heard him. :P

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I don't cover Biscotti's cage at night. His breeder never covers, so I never started. I figured if for any reason I had to be away & would not be able to cover & uncover him it would really upset him. Biscotti & I are both early to bed early to rise peeps. I am usually up between 5:30-6:00 am, if for some reason I sleep past 6, I will hear Biscotti softly talking in his cage. I love to hear his little voice first thing in the morning! So, this works well for both of us!!

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Something to keep in mind if you use a cover. Don't sleep in for the whole morning and find a grumpy grey waiting for you impatiently :o


Ha Ha Ha! Chance would be a fine thing!!! Sleep ins were a thing from my teenage era - don't think I remember sleeping past 7.30 for a long, long time!!! :)

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I just worry that if I don't cover they might sit up and watch tv with us till later than they should :) they need about 10 hrs sleep don't they?

If the babies are in the same room as you, TV on etc, covered or not, they won't get much sleep! 10 to 12 hr's is better...Thanks Jayd

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It took me a while to figure out how to cover my cage. It has a playstand with "arms" that are 9 feet high, but the corners of the cage have decorative "balls" on them. I have been using two black cloth shower curtains which I am able to hang from the balls on the cage. This works great, and Paco loves to sleep in as much as I do, as long as the room is dark. We always have our best days together when we have both slept late, as opposed to the "rush" days when neither of us get our 10-12 hours of sleep. On rush days, like today, I let him perch on a large ring toy that he likes which hangs from the playstand, he was up and at 'em at 5, we'll both be cranky later tonight.

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No i was not planning on having the cage in our bedroom, why? :)

Thanks, As you know, Grey's are "Dusty" birds, they have lots of dander,it leaves counter tops etc, dusty!

It's not good for a dusty bird to be in a sleeping room because of this. The sleeper inhales this dust which can led to respiratory problems and allergies! Jayd:cool:

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Thanks for that, i did know they were dusty birds but i had never put two and two together about sleeping and inhaling it in. My grey is going to be in the living room so when we are in it will get all the attention and be there when friends visit and when we are at work it can see out of the blinds in the day and have the radio on, then at night im thinking he/she will be put in her cage at around 10pm with supper or a treat and covered at 10.30 ish when we turn everything off and go to bed.


Does this sound ok?

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I know but ill make any sacrifice for my bird already and i havent even got one yet LOL :) I have already printed lots of recipies off the forum and looked at what i can make for eat that can be easily adapted so the grey can have some too.

I wish every one would do as your doing! We'd have less rescues and re-homes. Thanks



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