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Harvey is now 18 months old and his one mission in life is to kill me off!! Now, I'm not saying he's an angel (he has his moments) but at the minute he's an absolute little stinker!! He will not sit anywhere for more than 10 seconds, before moving off to create his next bit of mayhem. Take for example this evening - his stand is in the conservatory as it is lovely and warm today, which gives him plenty of opportunity for devilment (off the stand, on the chair, off the stand, top of the door, off the stand, top of the lamp, off the stand, top of the blinds - you get the idea!!!


So, if you are reading this and thinking about getting a grey - remember to get a gym membership too - they keep you on your toes!!!

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Jill - Enjoy the moment, it will become worse, before it gets better. :P

You think a Grey has lots of energy? Try a Conure or Amazon on for size. :)


Amazon's and conures, are "Cat Burglars" LOL greased lighting.....

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LOL....oh yes, Issac has those moments too. He will often throw in the prehistoric battle cries as he does a fly by on my head....occasionally kicking off the top of my head or shoulder as he passes. It is simply impossible to explain to someone who doesn't have a Grey, what you deal with to be a proper parront. It does make you appriciate those times when they have decided to give you a break, and play by themselvs or preen. (Thinking) "OMG he's preeening, maybe I can get a few mins on the computer" Ohhh my...I get so much less time on the computer....I won't even attempt certain things anymore before certain times when i think of what i will have to do to keep Issac entertained as I try.

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Yes those conures are fast but mine would rather spend her time on my shoulder, I don't chase her around too much.

Jill I guess you reap what you sow and better you than me, that Harvey is gonna keep you on your toes besides you could use a little thinning out. Harvey is officially entering the terrible twos, congrats Jill.


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Harvey is now 18 months old and his one mission in life is to kill me off!! Now, I'm not saying he's an angel (he has his moments) but at the minute he's an absolute little stinker!! He will not sit anywhere for more than 10 seconds, before moving off to create his next bit of mayhem.!!!

Ah yes - I remember those days well! LOL!!! Read this with a smile on my face Jill - thanks for sharing!

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Yes those conures are fast but mine would rather spend her time on my shoulder, I don't chase her around too much.

Jill I guess you reap what you sow and better you than me, that Harvey is gonna keep you on your toes besides you could use a little thinning out. Harvey is officially entering the terrible twos, congrats Jill.



Ha Ha! Cheers Mate!!


Caroline - you must take medication with four - I really don't know how you lot with more than one do it!! I salute you all ! :)

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Certainly sounds like Harvey is a handful Jill. Ana Grey is 22-months old and I guess I can consider myself lucky has she has been an almost angel. How are those grey hairs coming????? Harvey must have provided you with a handful or more by now!!!!!

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