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Bellinos had an accident


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Poor Bellino fell off his perch tonight and pulled some skin off his chest, weve just got back from the vets who have glued him back together and cauterised some feather shafts that he broke under both wings while he was flapping and screaming. He seems ok in himself and is having some tea that has guardian angel sprinkled on and i will take him upstairs in the dark when hes finished to let him sleep in his travel cage. Poor guy got himself in a right state.

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Oh I am sorry to read this, poor Bellino! Don't worry, I'm sure he will be fine after a good rest, sometimes these things scare them (as well as us) and it takes a while for them to get over it, also be prepared for him to be a little grouchy while his patched-up area is healing. Meanwhile give him a big kiss from me :)

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Had to put him in the dark as hes chewing his glue and i keep telling him off for it, hes not used to being told off, never had to do it before so poor little guy blushes bright red everytime ive done it. Just praying the glue holds together or he will need stitches or staples in it. Were just having a nice cuddle now, bless him.

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Guardian angel is like a herbal stress reliever for birds, hopefully it rarely gets used but worth keeping in, its certainly worked for him, he had a good night sleeping on top of the travel cage and spent the day at grandmas while i worked, just got home and is having his tea now. So far hes not bothered about his glue since last night and seems very perky! Bless him, hes a little angel, never any problem unlike the girls!!!!

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Oh No! Poor Bellino!!! Lucky you were there to rush him to the vets. Poor little baby bird :(


Oh, it's awful when you make them blush isn't it - Harvey gets so embarrassed when I tell him off. Hope Bellino gets better - keep us updated on the little fella xx

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Ive thought about lowering his perches but most of his falls are when hes doing his acrobatics from the top bars of his cage so were sticking with the travel cage til he heals, he only has to be in it for short periods when no ones about to watch him, hes out of it for 23 hours out of 24 and hes just sat on the top unless im in then hes attached himself to my left hand as he refuses to sit on my shoulder. Hes fine now and is ignoring his glue its just disabling for me as im not allowed to move. When hes awake hes kissing me and when hes asleep hes perched on one leg grumbling every time he feels me move, for such a weedy little guy he weighs a ton. I feel like i gave a big grey wart on my left hand. Its nice spending time bonding with him as hes usually such a quiet guy that prefers to be left to his own devices and his sisters get all the attention. Thanks everyone for your kind messages for him, i have to admit he really worried me for a while.

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I'm glad your baby is feeling better, what a scare! I hate when we have issues that cause any kind of panic like that. I've had issues with the neighbours upstairs who like to let their door slam early in the morning (6am) while Paco's cage is still covered. It scares the hell out of him and usually results in him thrashing around in the cage until I can get there to open the door, this results in him bolting out and flying right across the room. This is a feat in itself, he only has three flight feathers!

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