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Issac Week 28


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Over the last week I found that Issac was a major chicken lover so he eats that with me sometimes now. I also got a new grill, so more chicken will be cooked.


For the first time I had more than one person come over to my place. It was a curious experiment because Issac has not yet had a lot of company other than me and my daughter. He was super good. He puffed up and growled for the first minute, but then he realised there was nothing to be afraid of. He flew to one of my guests shoulder and sat and looked him over. This guy says, "Uhhmm...should I be honored that he flew to my shoulder?" I say, "Yeah for sure!" For the most part, Issac was just sitting and observing, which was what I had hoped for. For him to study us. He was making some cute noises for us and being a good social member. I was proud of him.


Speaking of noises, uhhhgg, the inevitable happened, he picked up the most undesired sound from my Conure. It takes everything I have not to make a big deal of it. I just stop looking at him when ever he does it, and immediately respond to all other pleasent sounds. I am not sure I will ever get rid of that one though, since Pedro, my Conure, will be there to remind him of it. Sometimes I can't tell who is doing it. LOL.


On a final note, he still loves his formula! 28 Weeks and he is still gaga over it. Is this a bad thing? Is it okay to let him enjoy it so long as he likes it? Does anyone still give their Grey formula this far out? The comforting thing is knowing that he doesn't require it, he will eat solid foods just fine. But I feel it's sort of lucky that he still likes it as it takes me about 5 minutes to get him his nutrition. Let me know your thoughts.


Issac has been really cuddly this last week too, as well as super energetic at times. Dive bombing and making Ptarodactyl noises. What a character. Thanks for reading again. Cheers.



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Aww what a cute picture of Isaac! Thats great that he did good with your guests. Ecko use to dive bomb our guests but he got over it and is now really good with them, he even talks in front of them now. Abundant feeding is the way to go and your doing a great job! ;)

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Speaking of noises, uhhhgg, the inevitable happened, he picked up the most undesired sound from my Conure. It takes everything I have not to make a big deal of it. I just stop looking at him when ever he does it, and immediately respond to all other pleasent sounds. I am not sure I will ever get rid of that one though, since Pedro, my Conure, will be there to remind him of it. Sometimes I can't tell who is doing it. LOL.



Oh I know this well as I have a sun conure and Josey can do that scream very well, I have to go look sometimes to be sure which bird did it but she doesn't just keep repeating it over and over so it is fine, I don't mind the conure scream so no matter which one did it I love it.

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Oh I know this well as I have a sun conure and Josey can do that scream very well, I have to go look sometimes to be sure which bird did it but she doesn't just keep repeating it over and over so it is fine, I don't mind the conure scream so no matter which one did it I love it.


Yes...he doesn't keep repeating it like Pedro does. He does it once or twice. Thank.....goodness!!!

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Another good update and beautiful photo t match. :)


He adjusted very quickly to the new guests. Just wait until he nibbles their ear for attention. They will become quickly shy of having him on their shoulder. I just can't figure out why that freaks out non-parrot owners so much. It's just a "Love" nibble..... :P


Thanks for sharing this.

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