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Today is the DAY!


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At 3:00 today I am picking up our grey! His name is Chili and he is about 13 months old. :D The current owners aren't able to keep him anymore, so we have purchased him. The old owner has been so wonderful and I can tell how much she loves her (my!) grey.


Does anyone have any words of wisdom for me? If you have any good threads on acclimating him to our home that would be fantastic.

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Congratulations on your new grey! It's wonderful that you are re-homing Chili. I suggest moving at Chili's pace. Take him home, put him in his cage, talk to him, offer he treats and just let him come to you. Before anything else Chili must feel he can trust you. The key to a wonderful relationship is always trust.

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My suggestion on what to do.... Find out everything you can about all of Chili's likes, dislikes, routines... what and when fed, when is normal wakeup time, go to bed time, go to bed ritual (If any) special routines, games, cage covered or not etc. Any morsel of Chilis expectations you can meet so the change is not so drastic will make things go as smooth as possibe and make Chili feel atleast somewhat "at Home" and you can slowly introduce changes you wish to make over a few weeks or months.


Things you won't know unless told...Example: Our Grey Dayo has a nighttime ritual. My wife carries him to his cage, I start the Hot Water and bring his food bowl. My wife leaves me and Dayo and gets him a cup of HOT water, I say goodnight, tell him how much I love him, give him a beak rub and then back away when my wife arrives. He thens gulps down hot water she offers and when done does head scratches, good nights and I love you's with my wife. She then covers his cage.


It's these types of things no one would know unless passed on. Everyone has special things they do with their greys at certain times and no one would know unless passed on. You have a valuable resource at hand to make your new arrival much more "At Home" than rescues or multiple hand me offs.


Looking forward to seeing photos and hearing how the homecoming went

Edited by danmcq
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My advice: enjoy :)


There is nothing like bringing a grey home for the first time, no matter their age. Relax, have faith in yourself, be patient, but mostly ENJOY your new baby (again: no matter what his/her age). Just.. Love 'em and it'll all be ok :)

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