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Okay. Let's see if this works.


This is my goffin/umbrella too. She weighs about 300 grams. She is a softer, more ivory white than an umbrella. She has the lemony yellow under her tail and wings. Couldn't catch her with her crest up, but it's about halfway between the goffin and the umbrella size, and it has a deep peachy color on the underside of the crest feathers.


Her name is Gwyneth, and she's a real honey.



Edited by Birdnut
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Gwenyth is just beautiful, Goffins hold a special place in my heart *my in-laws have one* and she is my boyfriends first wife lol.. we joke because whenever we are visiting Carrie gets all the attention! and she hates me lol she will outlive James' parents so she will eventually end up in our house I got the ear plugs ready!!

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You know, Gwyn is not really that loud. She does raise a ruckus when she gets excited playing, but she's not a screamer. She gets her "special time" in the evening after we've put the rest of the birds to bed. She gets to come out and watch TV with us and get all the cuddles she wants until she's ready to "go beddy." If I don't come and get her right away after lights out in the bird room, she does complain, but it's not loud.


Of course, "loud" is relative, and we do have several conures, so our loud tolerance is set pretty high! :)

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Carrie is def one of a kind and being in the situation she is in I would scream all day too! I'm going to try to sneak a recording of her scream one day so everyone can hear her.. I'm sure my in-laws mean well, she could fit right in with some of JayD's rescues, we have offered to buy her from his parents, so weekly we bring over good food toys etc.. I bought her a cage so she had proper housing etc. Someday hopefully we will be able to show her what a good life is...

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Wow those are some beautiful too's! We have Sterling - 13 year old umbrella - and he is a joy to be around. The worst part with Sterling is he doesn't like men, he's very protective of me and LP, and he chases Sarah (my daughter). Sarah is afraid of him, and obviously Sterling knows this. It's funny watching an adult (she's 21) run down the hall with a bird running behind her. We've put a small board up across the doorway to her room and he won't cross it. He could easily step over it, fly over it, or jump over it, but he delights in chasing her (she squeals). Other than that, he calls out twice a day, every day, like clockwork. First thing in the morning when it's time for breakfast (he announces this for the entire flock) and at sundown. He does this as a routine since breakfast is somewhere between 6:00 am and 6:30 am just as the sun is coming up and sundown is bedtime snack time. Even when I go into the kitchen at 5:00 am to get coffee, he sits quietly waiting for the sun to come up. The only other time Sterling has made noise is when we had a new item delivered to the house and the delivery man was between me and Sterling. He squawked and hollered and pranced all over the top of his cage, but when the guy was gone, Sterling was perfect again.

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