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Nice Too's you have your Citron looks like a Citron to me what makes you think it is a cross? We live with two Too's also one Umbie and one E2.


alot of people think is citron but its not. i am still looking for the answer wether is hybrid or natural as the seller told me the bird from jungle in indonesia



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Thank you so much, love them all, someday a palm, yes please tell us more about your palm and all the rest. Your hybrid[?] looks like a mix as you said, interested, not exactly either one! We have 2 rescues!

Tell us more!!! Jayd

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I have herd the Palm make a lovely bell like call how would you describe it? Beautiful birds I love the Too's but Greys are easier to share your home with.

I'm sorry, I can't agree with that, [i don't mean this negative] our Grey's are so much harder to please and amuse then our TOO's. It's all how their raised.

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I'm sorry, I can't agree with that, [i don't mean this negative] our Grey's are so much harder to please and amuse then our TOO's. It's all how their raised.

Our Umbie male has been in a few homes prior to here and he is a toot. He goes into nija mode and goes after selected people and other birds dangerous behavior. Good for me, daughter and youngest son but he is the most likely to bite hard of all our birds and needs the most careful watching. I can have the Elanora and all three Greys out of cage at the same time with minimal negative interactions. Umbie boy flies to target, eats well and is very affectionate but is the best escape artist and the most destructive as well. I love him too but he is a challenge sometimes. So in our home the Greys are easier. Each bird of each species is unique.

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I'm sure you know about our Freddy, he's almost 19, similar story to yours. He's really come around with a lot of work. This is a good example to show how no two bird's are exactly alike! That's why when someone asks me about a certain bird I explain all possibility with out saying " their all loud" etc. Ha ha, Our Mitered conure is our most destructive... Thanks Jayd

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LOVE the image of the Palm Cockatoo, you just don't see one of those every day. If you have more pics of that one, please post them. Beautiful and uncommon. Also, how in the world did you happen upon one of those rarities? As I believe their numbers in the states are in the hundreds at most? Maybe someone could correct me.

Edited by Elvenking
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Thank you so much, love them all, someday a palm, yes please tell us more about your palm and all the rest. Your hybrid[?] looks like a mix as you said, interested, not exactly either one! We have 2 rescues!

Tell us more!!! Jayd


i am still looking for the answer for this birdie. as u said "not exactly either one! We have 2 rescues!" mind to share about it.



@greywings, greys and toos ? i used to keep timneh when i were studied in LA, she was a one man bird. she was not getting along with my other amazons. while toos is very playfull and very active. they like to play along for awhile and like to scream to get the attention. while palms is the harderst toos among other to keeps. btw the toos in indonesia is very cheap compare to the price in States.

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i am still looking for the answer for this birdie. as u said "not exactly either one! We have 2 rescues!" mind to share about it.


Hi, sorry my computer's been down. Your little hybrid looks somewhat like a Ducorps, head shape, wrong colored mandibles. Most of our fids are Rescues. Heres some threads of our TOO's, Check them out if you like, ny feed back is loved...Jayd




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What a beautiful group of toos. Your citron/goffin mix reminds me of our umbrella/goffin mix. The crest is a little different, of course.


So we have a cockatoo, and now a baby grey. I'd have to say that, so far, the grey has been a bit more of a challenge than the too. But he's still a baby, so we'll see how things develop.

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  • 3 weeks later...
What a beautiful group of toos. Your citron/goffin mix reminds me of our umbrella/goffin mix. The crest is a little different, of course.


So we have a cockatoo, and now a baby grey. I'd have to say that, so far, the grey has been a bit more of a challenge than the too. But he's still a baby, so we'll see how things develop.


any pics of your umbrella goffin mix ?


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Guest jamalbirdbiz

toos are great. i have a friend who has one called white one. he is a pretty cool bird but greys are cooler. at least i thinks so.

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What a beautiful group of toos. Your citron/goffin mix reminds me of our umbrella/goffin mix. The crest is a little different, of course.


So we have a cockatoo, and now a baby grey. I'd have to say that, so far, the grey has been a bit more of a challenge than the too. But he's still a baby, so we'll see how things develop.


I would have to say that among all the parrots I have experienced..a Cockatoo is the most gentle of the parrot class...but...the LOUDEST not doubt. A grey is certainly miles away from a 'too. Greys wear their emotions on their sleeves. It's all to amazing. Anyway, I am not suprised that you find your grey is more of a challenge. But you will learn to love this...because there are challenging moments..and real connection moments...Greys seem to connect so well.

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my grey - so far has been super easy. He hangs out on his perch, hangs out with us. My too (umbrella) is a handful! my goodness! she's EVERYWHERE and anywhere. she does not like to hang out on a perch (we have a java wood table top perch for her) and she hardly sits on it. she's between chairs, on the floor, on the baby gate, getting into the blinds, the wood, walking everywhere, trying to bite our dog, Rocky on the leg...climbing on us, climbing on the couch, running around with her crest up...phew, i'm tired typing it all out! lol She does get loud, but i put her for a time out when she's loud. There is no reason for it, so I don't put up with it.


heaven forbid when she starts flying. i'll get my energy out then!

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