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Stress Marks


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Rene is moulting at the moment and today out popped a red bum feather ;) I picked it up and noticed 5-6 very prominent stress marks? so my question is this.. How long does it take for these lines to develop, its in the middle of the feather, is this something he could of got from the move? which was about a month or so now or were these from before he came to me? also is it some sort of deficiency? I am trying to snap a picture of it so everyone can see but my camera is awful, and isn't showing the lines in the feather :(


I know I have been asking a lot of questions lately, and I apologize but Rene just fascinates me..

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Never to many questions, Yes there caused by stress or poor nutrition! When a bird molts it needs extra protein! I'll have to check to see if there's a way to tell a time line. Check any feathers that come out, maybe increase the protein intake, maybe a little chicken/turkey breast, tuna/salmon, drumstick. Your doing good...Jayd

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