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I've been hoodwinked !

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Hello again everyone, I can not believe what has happened to me and most of all Cocoa,


To bring all up to date, I rescued Cocoa from a man that had been put into nursing home. His son is who placed Cocoa with me and Cocoa and I bonded fast and true. I had Cocoa 9 months. 2 weeks ago, Edward the son, called and said his Dad really wanted to see Cocoa again, I said he could come over anytime, edward said he wanted to bring Cocoa to the Nursing home and that he'd drive over from Riverside, Fl, get Cocoa Saturday and bring him back Sunday.


Being the nice guy I am, I figured I would want to see my little feathered buddy too if I was in that position and I agreed.


What an idiot I am, Edward took the cowards way out and kidnapped Cocoa and now Cocoa is gone. I spent so much time with Cocoa, literally sat at the cage after i ate dinner evry night until I finally had Cocoa comfortable enough to come to the table right next to the cage, and then finally to the couch and even down the hallway to lay on the bed and watch tv with me in there too. He actually would cry like a dog does when I walked into the house for me to come over and let him out.


Edward told me lies and then woouldn't een answer my calls, I had my wife call as he didn't know her number and he finally said he was gonna sell Cocoa, she called me and I told her to buy him, Guess it was just another lie or cocoa was already gone as he said cocoa wasn't coming back.


While Edward was here, he couldn't get over how well Cocoa loved me and enjoyed the play stand I made for him, it wasn't a case of him rescuing the bird from me.


While I know this won't get me Coca back and didn't really even make me feel beter by telling the story, what I hope this does is make anyone who rescues a bird to get OWNERSHIP in writing at the time you get custody of the bird, so you don't feel the pain I do now.



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I'm really sorry this has happened to you. As a future note, anytime a person get a rescue or re-home, the person releasing the bird loses all rights, the worst thing for a re-home or rescue is to reminisce. I hope you contacted the police and a attorney ASAP.......Jayd

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Lee I am so sorry to hear of this, you must be devastated but I would certainly contact a lawyer for advice to see what you can do about this situation. It seems that people will do anything anymore and if I had been in your situation I would have taken Cocoa to see the man myself and not let this son take him from my house but maybe sharing your story with us will save it from happening to someone else. Please keep us informed of what happens.

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OMG! This is terrible news (both for you and Cocoa). You will be devastated, and so will Cocoa. What horrible, awful, unscrupulous people these obviously are - especially using his father as the "lure" to bring you back to them.


I too would telephone the police - you have proof that Cocoa has been with you for the 9 months you describe, photographs etc. My thoughts are with you at this terrible, terrible time.

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Oh Man, I feel your heartbreak.


I also know words cannot console you. I hope you can get over this quickly and find room in our heart to rescue a Grey in need of such a loving home as yours.


You will never forget the times and memories you had with Cocoa and He will never forget either.


Please stay in touch with us.

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I'm so sorry this happend to you! Unforunately, I also learned how cruel people can be through a series of animal related incidents. Do you know for a fact there is a man in nursing home? If so, contact him immediately. Also, please contact the police and tell them everything you can about Edward. You need to do everything in your power to get your bird back so you will always know you did your best. Please don't let this terrible act keep you from adopting another bird in need when the time is right.

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I don't know what to say. It sounds so awful. I am sending hugs for what that is worth and I hope the police or some sort of option comes available to you. It isn't like he was there a week. Cocoa was with you for a long time and clearly your bird.

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You really do need to contact the police if you have had no luck yourself, at the end of the day he has stolen from you! You have had Cocoa for 9 months & is now your bird which Edward has taken from you. Don't mean to sound pushy just trying to give you some support & fire you up to make a move in the right direction........don't take this lying down.

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