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If You Raised a Grey! 10wk's or Older!!!!!


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If You Raised a Grey! 10wk's or Older.

This thread is for Tanya and the "Forum Twins". If you raised a Grey,10 weeks or older, make a post, give some suggestions, story's, fun things, things you did for your pride and joys...

I'll still keep the other thread open for help. If you read this thread, pass it on to one who has done this...

I know who you are!!!


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thanks jayd for this post..yes i want to hear what to be looking for next as my babies grow. tell me ur storys...how fun they can be and yes even some bad things also. i love my babies and they are growing so fast but having 2 of the same age is a handful. help me out.....thanks

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When i got George at 12 weeks old he was a little dote and wanted to be near me all the time for cuddles and scratches, he would fall asleep perched on the edge off the bed till It was time to go back in the cage. Now he's so independent he wants to be doing hes own thing on top of his cage and running around the floor trying to eat everything in his path!! So i have to run around after him like you would with a 2 year old Lol My favorite baby memory of George Is how he used to sleep on a towel at the bottom of his cage on his side even when he was 5 or 6 months old and well able to perch. Ha lazy sod! I would love to put a towel in again some night and see would he still do this but he would end up pooping on it and then lying in it probably haha :) Bad thing is that he is to hyper and thinks he is an acrobat that he lost a lot of tail feathers which are only starting to come back now :)

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Oooh! Where do I start!! Well, when they are fledged they can do anything they want and go anywhere they want, so you have to now alter your accommodation to ensure that it's "bird friendly". This includes getting door stops to ensure doors dont' slam shut whilst they are on top of them, checking houseplants are "edible" - oh yes, they like to eat plants. They can fly and bang into windows and mirrors - so it's best to "show them" around the house, or add stickers or something to let them know you can't fly through there. Doors and windows have to be firmly shut whilst baby is out - and other members of the family have to be trained in "parrot awareness".


The most important thing is though - don't fuss over them too much, let them find their way round and negotiate their new found surroundings.


This is where I'll stop - and someone else can take over! :)

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I actually got Issac right around 10 weeks and what a little sweetie he was when I brought him home. He wanted nothing more than to be next to me at all times. I suppose our petting sessions at the breeders got us closer before coming home. For the first week, he would just perch on me or lay on my chest while being cuddled and stroked. I would place him down at one end of the couch. and sit down at the other, just to watch his clumsy little legs run over to me as fast as they could. A very precious and short lived period or total cuddle-muffiness. That is not to say that he is not cuddly now, there are just no nested little naps on my chest like the one in my avatar photo. About 10 1/2-11 weeks, he took his first flight to the cieling and I was running underneath him knowing that his first landing would be rough. He was okay. I really loved watching him get better at it. I almost took my breeders advice and got him clipped.....soooooo glad I didn't do that. About the 12-14th weeks I could hear him starting to make some sweet little baby noises and begin to try babbling. He is also off the floor of the cage at this time an perching for sleep. It was a trying time finding foods that he preferred. Veggies were always hit and miss, like one thing one day and different on another day. (He is till like that I suppose). Also around this time, I had to start really moving things around in a better effort to bird proof the house. I pad the bottom of his cage because he will simply drop to the bottom of the cage when I have to leave in a dramatic protest where he claws at the paper and makes a little whinning 'coo' at me. Ohhh my heart.


Between the 15th and 20th week, the suprises leveled off as far as his physical growth. He was regularly taking veggies and a good blend of dry food I get for him, as well as his formula. He never ceases to love formula time. He regularly makes tons and tons of flights to me, especially when entering the kitchen. Around this time I am finding out that my time on the computer is strictly at Issac's discretion. Sure I could stick him in the cage and get it done, but I simply love having him out. I would also have to say that you begin having your patience tried in some areas at this time as well. They starte testing their boundries, and you will be faced with forming starategies to keep them from getting into stuff that they shouldn't. I pretty much know it is time for more or new toys when he is rotating between every single thing he shouldn't get into. Find the right things that keep them chewing, there will be great peace. For example, Issac loves soft plastics he can destroy. Milk carton caps, the cap to anything really, ropes and twine, small wiffle balls, and anything that gives way under the power of his beak. Ohh...and if you can spare a computer keyboard...lol....you get the picture.


Around Issac's 6th month. He has his own personality, or seems to be set in certain ways. What is his is his and what is mine is his. He will actually be a bit defensive if I have to take a certain object away that I cannot let him have, even going as far as biting in protest. If you haven't recieved at least one bite by this time, that is highly unusual in my book. I think i got my first one when a girl friend came over and gave me a hug while he was on my shoulder, and he bit my face. Having someone new in the house should always be had with caution. With Issac, I have to let people just get close at first, he puffs up and growls for a minute, then realises that his display is all for naught.


As far as the growing relationship I have with Issac, I can't hold it in any higher regard. If you would like to see my little tribute to my baby you look up 'My African Grey Tribute' on Youtube, and that will give you an idea about how much I love him. Anyway, you are on a very cool adventure. If you want more details I would suggest using advanced search on this site and look for posts that have 'Issac Week' in them. I think I started keeping weekly updates around 14 weeks. Good luck and I cannot wait to see what unfolds.



Edited by Elvenking
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