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Screaming has reduced but one question..........


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Hi everyone,


Just a quick update regarding Gizmo's screaming. Its reduced quite a bit!


I've been reading quite alot of topics on here and they've been really helpful so thanks alot to everyone who contributes, it really is a fantastic website!


One thing I'd like to ask advice on is his feathers. When I got Gizmo, he was 12 weeks old, I was inexperienced and panicked quite alot when he flew, I decided to get his wings clipped.


I regret this now and will never do it again because even though he cannot fly properly or land at will (he's 2 next month), he seems happy when he takes flight.


My question is regarding the flight feathers that were clipped. I've noticed that when Gizmo stretches his wings there seems to be a gap in the middle? He's molting at the moment and one feather I picked up had feather at the top of the quill, feather at the bottom of the quill but the middle seemed to have been chewed??


Gizmo has no patches or indications of feather plucking or chewing apart from this evidence in the form of the feather that molted.


Do you think Gizmo thinks he doesn't need this feather? I have suspicions it is from the time he was clipped and continues to chew this area when feather grows?

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Great news on the screaming issue!! :) It would be beneficial to others presently experiencing this same issue if you posted the methods you used to reduce it.


IN regards the missing portion of the primary, it could have been from the clipping, but I suspect your grey may have chewed it when it came out. Many birds will beak and chew on a feather that has molted out.


The good news on the flying is, he will get better at it! :)


It does not sound like any type of barbering behavior at this time.

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