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couple of questions on pellets


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Right now I finally got mo jo eating roudy bush pellets which is what I already had my gcc on and the vet said that was a good food. She sells Harrisons but I have heard alot of people have problems getting their birds to eat it but anyways not the question. My question is roudy bush has a new california blend out that has dried fruits and veggies in it along with the pellets which have the sun shine in them which means wouldn't have to mix in food my question is has anyone tried it or anyone think its good since it has veggies and fruit in it? Also they have a rice formula that they say is for feather plucker who pluck because they have food alergies to the corn based pellets how do you know if that is why they are plucking? My vet said she thought once we got mo jo on balanced diet he might stop so was curious about this rice pellet.

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Hi, your vet can do a test to see if the plucking stems from a medical reason or psychological one.I'm surprised it wasn't done!!!Any plucking issue takes a while to resolve. Use your Aloe Ver juice and baths.


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yea the vet said at this point she was more concerned about getting wounds healed and she said as far as blood work went she knew everything would come back off because he was in poor condition she wants to get his nutrional level back up and then run the blood work. She seems to think it has something to do with he has been on a seed diet all his life. I was just curious I want to help in everyway possible. I am gonna try the california blend because it has dried fruits and veggies which I can't seem to get him to eat anything but noodles and some apples. Plus it has the sun shine added in.

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will let you know how it goes yes I believe its a newer product I have never seen it and I have been using roudybush for three to four years now with my gcc. and dr fosters online has flat rate shipping so you don't get charged out the butt on shipping lol.

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yea the vet said at this point she was more concerned about getting wounds healed and she said as far as blood work went she knew everything would come back off because he was in poor condition she wants to get his nutrional level back up and then run the blood work. She seems to think it has something to do with he has been on a seed diet all his life. I was just curious I want to help in everyway possible. I am gonna try the california blend because it has dried fruits and veggies which I can't seem to get him to eat anything but noodles and some apples. Plus it has the sun shine added in.


This sounds funny! The purpose of a blood test is to find out why things are "Off", the same as a human! If she doesn't do a simple "CBC", [Complete Blood Count] How will she know if the baby is sick, or needs med's etc? I have a number of birds, as other's here do, on seeds. The seed diet isn't the problem, the problem is what else is or isn't feed to the birds at the same time!!!!!!! I'm sorry, I can't except your Vet's excuse, I'd demand a blood test or get a new vet....Note: the fruits and veggies in "Calif blend" isn't no ware the same as fresh fruits and veggie's! Too much fruit cause wet poop, and pasta reduced the amount of liquid in the poop, so you can get a false reading how the poop is...A Grey will hide how sick he is till it's sometimes to late! survival instinct!!!!!

Get a blood test! Thanks Jayd

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I've looked at the california blend as I use the Roudybush pellets mixed about 4:1 with Higgins Celestial mix. I like the separate products as I can vary the mix ratio depending on season, health, etc.


The Roudybush california blend is a good mix for Greys, but you'll want to watch that your bird isn't going exclusively for the goodies. For example, one of my Greys will throw aside the pellets looking for the yummy Celestial goodies :) Needless to say, she only gets the pellets with an occasional treat of Celestial.

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