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My Grey is flying onto my conures cage and trying to attack her


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I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I have had my grey since June of 2009. We decided to let Winston grow his feathers out and learn to fly. He has been doing great and seems to enjoy it. So the problem is that we also have two other cages, one cage is for our parakeets and the other is for our Patagonian Conure. The conure is about 8 years old and has flown around in our house all of her life. Now that Winston has fight he is flying onto our Conures cage and if she is out on top of her cage Winston tries to attack her. It's a big deal cause we don't want her to get hurt and so we run over there (which gets everybody all excited, our dog and the birds) and grab our bird stick and get Winston to do a step up. Also when Winston flies onto the parakeet cage he tries to attack them through the bars of the cage. I don't understand why he is being so "protective" or "aggressive". I'm at a loss of what to do and I would rather not trim his wing feather to where he can't fly cause I feel it's important for birds to have their flight.

What do you all think I should do in this situation.




Don't buy........Don't breed.......Adopt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Greetings and welcome to the forum...When you get a chance stop by our Welcome room and introduce yourselves...Sometimes it's slow here on the week ends...The best thing to do is keep your conure and keets in a separate room.[sorry] Your conure was flock leader till Winston came along, you can try but I don't think it will work now, is to separate Winston from your other birds for a few days, then introduce Winston to your conure,This means your conure gets greeted first, spoken to 1st, 1st new toy, held 1st,etc, etc. Winston will always be 2nd. Unless they were raised together, chances are slim that Winston will leave them alone. I hope you don't clip anyone's wings, it could devastate either one of them...Thanks Jayd

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would also advise you to separate them, or to make sure your grey can't get at your other birds, especially while trapped in their cages.


I used to have a Quaker, the most lovable little guy, but he was extremely jealous of my parrakeet. One day I had Kiwi the quaker out of her cage and she flew onto my parrakeets cage and in no time bit off one of her toes as they attacked each other through the bars. It was SOOOOOOOOOO scary, and can happen in an instant. My parrakeet was okay after the initial bleeding and a sore foot for a while... it's difficult with big birds and small birds, cause those big beaks can do one hell of a lot of damage. Now I only have my Yoshi grey so I don't have to worry about these things!


I'm curious what others have done to separate their big and little birds, and how they manage having them out together?

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:cool:Nothing! When it's not free flight time, the little guys are in their cages and the big guys come in and visit. The big guys have been taught...Don't hassle the babies! When it is free flight time, their door remains closed so they can fly without fear of being hassled.


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I have my Conure and Grey in the same room. Most of the time Issac respects my Conures cage space and leaves him alone. However, they have met on the cage top and it doesn't look like much good would come from me leaving them to work it out. So I always remove Issac from Pedro's (my Conure) cage top. Pedro can fly but doesn't do it much so i don;t have to worry too much about him going over to Issacs cage. It is my guess that if Pedro were to try to bite Issac (which he does try...cheeky little guy) that Issac would eventually show him who is boss. I have to keep an eye on these two for sure.

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In my house it is my grey that harasses my male eclectus, who is a big sweetie. I have to watch Ana Grey all the time as she is constantly going into Sully's cage for his treats and goodies. Ana Grey can fly, Sully can't yet. Sully is a laid back big ekkie with a large beak. Ana Grey is a 292 gram TAG so I have to make sure Sully doesn't nail Ana Grey even though it is Ana Grey who goes into the attack on Sully head!!! If I hear Sully shriek I go running because Ana Grey is up to no good again!!!!! It is a challenge if you want your fids flighted and free and most of all safe!!!

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My birds are flighted. The grey will fly over to the conures cage and play with toys (Destroy's them quickly) as the conure watches. He will also TRY to bite or bully the conure and it simply fly's away.


If a bird is not flighted, they should be kept completely a part, unless they have a good relationship like Jays.

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Kito and Charlie the parakeet seem to like eachother. Kito climbs around on Charlie's cage and sticks her tongue throught the bars. Charlie tries to seduce her. Even so, I am only going to let Charlie out of his cage (once I get him hand tame) in the bird room when Kito is in her livingroom cage. I love that little guy and don't want to risk it.

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