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My hopeful journey towards an African Grey...

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Hi all! What a great forum you have - so much fantastic info. I'd really love your thoughts & opinions on some things. I've wanted an African Grey forever, and feel like now I am ready to get one.


My husband is not, let's say, as enthusiastic as I am about getting an African Grey. His reasons include the cost, and the mess. My thought is how can he not see past those little stumbling blocks to the most wonderful bird that could be a part of our family? Pessimist meet Optimist. I've always had parakeets and my last bird, a cockatiel named Napoleon, got out one day and my heart broke. We never got him back.


I am very passionate about adopting a rescue bird and am wondering the best route to take. Online there are so many people giving away/selling their birds, shipping their birds (is that safe???), and there are rescue centers. I am leaning towards an organization because I want to support them. On the other hand, I worry about the birds who are living unwanted in homes right now.


My heart is so heavy over all of this...Is it normal to be this emotional over a bird I don't even have yet?


Oh, and what does FID stand for?

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Welcome, you have a good heart. fid= feathered kid. I commend you on your choice to maybe get a rescue. There's some good posts on rescues right now. A rescue, especially a Grey can most of the time be trying to say the lest. Your husband, in my opinion should be as enthusiastic as you, at the minimum. My personal opinion would be to get a weaned and fledged baby for now, you can always ad a re-home at a later date. Please read all the posts you can. I have to go right now, but ill post more about this latter today. We have some grey't people here, and thank you.... Jayd

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Hello Caleigha and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this possible grey you want to get.

Yes birds can be messy and they don't come cheap but then any animal can be but the rewards will be so worth it, my husband was not so enthralled with my birds but he has come to love them maybe not as much as I do but he knows they are there to stay, they come with me so if you take me you take my birds, we will not be separated.

Its really good you want to go with a rehomed or rescued grey but since you have never had one before it is a risk for you never know what may come with that bird when it has had previous homes and not everyone can cope with that baggage. Like Jay said you might be better off going with a baby grey then you can always adopt a rescue later if you feel the need to add to your flock and believe me you more than likely will.

If you think you are emotional now wait until you have that grey, it is a lifetime committment not to be taken lightly and you will come to feel about that bird like a child, you will love it no less than a human child and only want the best for it.

Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information to help you make up your mind and do ask questions and we will help you in any way we can.

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Thanks Jay for those links - that was so kind of you to put those together. Much appreciated!! I am excited to read through them.


And thank you for the warm welcome Judy - I've got lots to think about.


What a great forum!

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Please don't get me wrong about re-homeing, I just want you to be completely aware. There's joy and reward in both a new baby, and a re-home. You got what it takes.. Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock!

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I missed something. Picking who up today?


Did you already find a rescue or a baby?


Looking forward to seeing this updated with all the inside information and photos. :)


I found an ad on Craigslist for a 1 year old grey and it all seemed to good to be true! We picked him up yesterday along with a boatload of toys, 2 cages, and a gym stand. We couldn't be happier with him - he is such an amazing bird!!! He is saying a few words, but we're not exactly sure what they are yet. :) My boys are just over the moon - my seven year old's new favorite colors are...grey, white, and red. That just cracks me up. Chili is very playful and really seems to be enjoying his new home so far. This morning he flew down to my camera on the bed, took the lens cap off the camera , and flew around with it. What a stinker! :) He steps up for all of us, loves head scratches, and is a happy guy! Here's a picture of the most beautiful bird in the world! ;)



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Wow that was fast! You are in the honeymoon period right now while he is learning what he can get away with and all about his new home. Build that trust right now and it will pay off later but watch the electric cords so he doesn't fry himself and make certain you are not cooking in nonstick cookware now you have a bird in your home. It sounds like Chili will be a good fit in your home. Appreciate the photo too.

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Awww congrats Caleigha!! Chili is a handsome grey! Sounds like he is adjusting very well but like greywings said its the honeymoon period so beware LOL! I can't wait to hear more about Chili. Thanks for sharing the picture, we love pictures. ;)

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It was fast! A lot faster than we planned, but there he was on Craigslist so we moved ahead. Thanks for the advice - you all have been such a wealth of information on the forum! We are devouring the books we have and reading online. Learning about him is a great summer project for the kids since they are out of school now.

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Very good looking Grey.


Chili sounds like he was well socialised by his previous home.


Did you get any background on him, like foods liked and diet, games he likes to play, is his cage normally covered etc?


Thanks for updating this thread. :)

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Chili sounds like he was well socialised by his previous home.


Did you get any background on him, like foods liked and diet, games he likes to play, is his cage normally covered etc?



I think he was well socialized too - he is very easy going with us so far.


About food, they said he eats Roudybush pellets and his treats are dried fruit, veggies and whole nuts. And they sent us home with lots of food for him. I didn't ask about games - I wish I had thought to ask that. I did ask whether they covered him at night, and they did not. I'm pretty sure it was because of the size of his cage. He lived in a mansion that was 8' long, 6' high, and 3' wide. They were hoping we'd take the cage too since he loves his home, but we don't have space for it. I would have loved to!! They did sent us home with a different cage that is a great cage for him and I covered him last night. He slept really well.


Do they normally take naps during the day? He has been going pretty non-stop all day exploring and playing, but I'm wondering if he needs some down time.

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Do they normally take naps during the day? He has been going pretty non-stop all day exploring and playing, but I'm wondering if he needs some down time.


Yes, most birds will kick back and snooze at different times of the day.


Also, due to being a new home, he is getting used to all the different sounds and activities in your home. This means he is on higher alert and probably sleeping with one eye closed at night as well.


An interesting fact about birds, dogs and some other critters. They can actually close one eye and sleep half the brain while the other side stays alert. They will swap back and forth as each side needs proper rest.


I wish us human could do that, please talk to this side of the face.....The other is sleeping :P

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I wish us human could do that, please talk to this side of the face.....The other is sleeping :P


LOL!! How great would THAT be! Thanks for the info - that is such a cool thing they can half-sleep like that.


We have had such an amazing time with Chili tonight. As a parent, I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see my 5 boys so touched by our bird. Even my teenagers are totally in love with him. He is just the sweetest, sweetest bird and loves his head scratches. He will even put his head way down so my 7 year old can reach to scratch him. Yep - it's only day 2 and we're smitten. You guys said it right when you call this the honeymoon stage.


He's talking a little bit, but we're not quite sure what he is saying. We did catch "good boy" and another time we thought is sounded like he was quacking. Too cute. :)


I will say this...he was a bit of a stinker when it was time to go in his cage at bedtime. He was not at all happy about it, and did his darndest to stay out. Bless his heart, he didn't have a chance. I've raised toddlers before. ha ha

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