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14 week CAG advice please!


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Well you are here now and that is all that matters.

Yes, once again Welcome.......Jayd

Please remember, the people of this Grey't forum are passionate about these wonderful birds, you'll always get a true and honest answer, sometimes it may be one you don't want to hear, but were here for you....Always

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I really hate the 'towel' business, basically what it does is break a birds will and I believe it wILL lead to anxiety and plucking. You dont want your Parrott to scared to move or speak because he's scared he will be put through that, they're charm and attraction is they're free mind and spirit as far as i'm concerned. It's like beating your partner for doing something wrong.


I'm not saying your being cruel to your birds though, it's just what you've been told to do. And that whole dropping it on the floor thing...! If your bird bites say 'No bitting' and put him back in his cage and keep your back to it and ignore it that's worked out great for me. Go back in and hour let it out and go through it again.


I can see you love your bird and you'll work things out fine! I wish i'd gotten Kaan used to the harness when he was younger he's only 3 but I doubt he will ever get used to it now. He just rolls on his back and spends the whole time trying to remove it :(


Plenty of good people here to help you through things, all the best!

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Some excellent advice given.


Frankly I don't like the sound of your breeder at all, I don't believe any breeder worth his salt would not allow a potential buyer to see the baby and surroundings before buying. Sounds to me like a right cowboy!


Thxando40, I'm so glad you sound this sight, there are some knowlegeable members here who will guide you in bringing up your grey.

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Looking forward to hearing an update.


The methods of dropping a cliiped bird and also toweling to show who is control, is barbaric and VERY OLD SCHOOL. It is the mind set of you train everything like a dog that is looking for a pack leader. Birds are not pack associated and do not respond to this type of treatment. They will develop severe mental and physical indications of that type of abuse. yes, I call it abuse because it is.


You will have a much better relationship and happy bird by listening to what members here have to say and also by reviewing the 100's of GreYt threads covering these specific topics.


Looking forward to hearing much more from you. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for everyones concern. Oliver is doing a little better. The biting has stopped for most things like step-up, but he does still bite if I try to touch him. *Please see my new post. I have been toweling him, but not controling him. If he wants out, I let him out. I believe now my breeder was a total Parrot Mill. I only wish I would have seen the signs. Hind-sight is 20/20, right? Anyway, we seem to have a fragle baby who needs even more care then a normal grey. I hope everyone can put up with my constant questions. :) PS. Oliver is making more sounds throughout the day now and starting to play with new toys. Plus totally weened and holding his weight at 330gm.

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