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Well after a week or so thinking about taking on a female grey i have done it, Went to pick her up wednesday and when we got here cage home and she had no toys or perches??? and when asked the owner said she as never had any, So as soon as i got home filled her cage with new toys and a few perches and she is not bothered at all as soon as i put them n she was playing and chewing them (parrot no toys:mad:) after a few days she is just started to talk but more nosies at the min really tame grey loves to be tickled and craves your time buster my other grey has met here and there fine so at this time its going really well really happy how its going :)


ps she is four and we have called her ruby

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Congrats. My Grey was 12 when we adopted him. Our Conure was seven. It takes time to adjust to them, and you'll soon see what they learned, or didn't learn, in their previous homes. My Conure never had toys in his pervious home, and he still doesn't play with toys much, even after our having him 8 months or so. Brutus, the Grey has a couple favorites that came with him from his prior home, and we have added to his collection.

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Good on you for taking Ruby in! The transition sounds as if it has gone really smoothly. Of course she's going to crave your time, bless her - it sounds like she's not had much attention, poor thing! Can't wait to see some pictures (hint, hint)!!

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Yes she is doing really we just had to give her a forever home when i was talking to the man how i got here of he said she as been rehomed 7 time in here four years she been alive could i email the pics to some one on here and then they post them for me as really not good at computors

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How sad, seven homes in her four years of life but glad to hear it will be her last and forever home, she does seem to be settling in nicely but remember this is the honeymoon phase and you will see more of her true personality emerge as she feels more comfortable, you may soon see why she has been rehomed so many times for she more than likely has brought some baggage with her she just hasn't unpacked it yet.

I truely hope it all works out for you and her and I congrat you for giving her a forever home as she needs this stability in her life.

Yes we really want to see some pictures of Ruby if you have some and you can email them to me if you like and I will post them for you.

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She is gettig on really well last night she was flying over to me and will not leave me alone really happy with her never thought it would be this good to start as buster was a night mare lol let hope it stays but she now has a home forever

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It is inconceivable to me a grey 4 years old has been rehomed 7 times. What a confusing 4 years for Ruby.


Thank God this has a stopping point with a happy ending at our home. :)


I am looking forward to seeing those photos and reading the updates as Ruby learns what it is l ike to have a flock of humans that love her.

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