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New baby to the family

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I just signed up for your forum today and would like to tell you all a little bit about Nala my CAG. He/She is 5 months old, and she has been a member of my family for about a month now. I have enjoyed every minute we share together and am looking forward to the years to come. This is my first CAG, so Nala and I will be learning together

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Hello Flynn and welcome to our family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Nala.

Nala is your first grey but do you have any other birds or parrots?

She is a cutie and I know she is going to bring you a lot of joy and companionship in the coming years, once you have owned one you can't imagine life without them.

You have come to the right place to learn all you need to know, just read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

Feel free to post more pics of Nala if you would like, we never tire of looking at them.

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Welcome!!!!! Beautiful Grey!!! Judy and Dan are polite, [i'm not!!!] OK Wheres the photo's? Post story's for the other [Grey't] members, I can't read, but love those photo's.......


Jayd, Maggie and Spock and the Flock.....

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Hi to you both! I hope you enjoy being here and soaking up all of the information available to you. It's a hard slog to take it all in - but you'll get there! Just read, read, read - they're nothing like any other bird you've ever owned, and won't compare to anything else you own in the future either. I hope you get as much joy from Nala as we all do from ours. Welcome on board x

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