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My smart Ecko


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Ecko has started to mimic a lot more noises lately and it seems like he loves to make noises my iPhone makes. I have an app called "Words with friends" and I play it a lot and he started to make the exact noises to the game. I also have a Twitter app and it makes a "classic bluebird" tweet when I refresh it and he started making that noise too. He also started coughing. It is soo funny! I have really bad asthma so I cough a lot and he started to cough just like me. I woke up this morning and heard coughing in the house I jumped up and freaked out thinking "who the heck is in my house?", ohhh you know.. it was just the parrot LOL! ;)


Everytime I take him out of the cage I bring him to the toilet to go poop and now he says "GO POOP" and/or "GO POO POO" hahahah! It is so cute! I've been doing this for a year now and he has finally learned how to say go poop! And he says it everytime now, as soon as I put him on it he says go poop and goes poop LOL! I get soo excited! I love my smart bird.:o I hope to catch it on camera soon.


His vocab is growing! He now says:


Ecko bird

Ecko boy

Ecko boo

Hi baby

Hi bird

Pretty bird

Come here

Go poop

Go poo poo

Tica Tica tooo




Edited by Eckobird
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Spock here! Your looking good buddy, love your shade of gray, I ordered a new set of grays hope they arrive soon, my old coats kind of tattered! OK, why do we have to learn English? etc, I don't see any of them learning my language!!! Your smart like your mama....


Live Long and Prosper

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