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Light a Fire Under Your Butt!


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Every night about the same time, Jay goes through his usual ritual of fixing all the bird seed/pellets for all the different cages. Joey knows when that is because he is sitting on the empty cup holder waiting patiently...tonight, Jay was on the computer (Spock had it tied up all afternoon writing his memoirs) and apparently he wasn't fast enough because Joey suddenly said "Light a fire under your butt! Come here!"

Needless to say, that is the first time we heard him say that.:D He says "Come here" but this is the first time for this...


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Hi. This fits in with my "I just Realized" thread. Some of the things Joey said shortly after we got him were: Raymond, are you going to feed me? [Raymond 1st owner] Can I have some water?, Get a Lawyer!, You can't hide!, Joey bad!, Joe, bad bird!, Ray don't!, etc, and now this. I think Joey has applied a old negative comment to a new situation, he laughs after he says it....It has deep reaching roots!!!!



Spock here! ROFLOL!!!!

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Well I am glad that Joey will never again have to worry about if he will be hungry or thirsty, and that he can turn around and become, a warm and loving bird, his interaction with both of you is testament to that! Joey knows he is safe now...and most off all very loved and WANTED.

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