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Sugar Snap Peas


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We always have a big garden, have to thank my hubby for that since he does most all the work but we have sugar snap peas coming in right now and Josey ate several of them for her dinner this evening, she ate practically every bit of them as not much was dropped or wasted. She has had these kind of peas before but she has never eaten them with such gusto as she did today, I should have taken a picture but maybe tomorrow or the weekend I can get one, she ate hers raw and we had our lightly steamed, yummy!

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Oh Ecko LOVES sugar snap peas! Sometimes he will pick out the peas inside and then drop the rest on the floor and sometimes he will eat the whole thing, I guess it depends what mood he is in lol. Good to hear Josey likes them too. :)

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Mmmm! I love them too!! Isn't it strange how they suddenly change their taste preferences? I've offered mash to Harvey since he was a baby (you all rave on about it here) and he's refused constantly to eat the mush....until now! Michael fed mashed potato to him from his fork (gross to those outside our fraternity - but I know you understand) and now he can't get get enough! He has his own little place set at the table now - with his bowl of mush!


Great to hear that Josey is enjoying your home grown delights - and I am green with envy!! Send some to me :)

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