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Bad day for Rene and James


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alittle while ago while I was posting my pictures for everyone :) James was walking into the living room, and as soon as James turned away from the cage, Rene flew and lunged for James' face :( he has a cut right under eye.. uh oh.. now I am NEVER gonna get them to get along...

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Please stay calm, Jayd... Maggie here, I am so, so sorry to hear about that!!! It can be so tough when your baby doesn't get along with another family member. You can't give up though...this is a wild animal that we choose to spend our lives with. We are here for you...just let us know how we can help...

Maggie Jayd

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All is not lost, it may be a setback but it doesn't mean that it will continue to be this way, maybe something upset Rene and she was just lashing out at the first person she saw, observe her for other reactions and see how they are together later or tomorrow but I know it is scarey when they come at you like that and end up bringing blood and so close to the eye, yikes!

Just take Jay's advice and stay calm, over reacting now will only make things worse, let us know how it goes Bonnie and tell him not to take it personally.

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I was actually surprised, James didn't make a sound, I didn't even know it happened until I saw the blood on his face.. James was just standing there.

James just keeps telling everyone Rene hates him.. and I say No he doesn't just give him more time, so now I will be watching them when Rene is out, which lately has been all day because he is so friendly to me, so do you think that maybe Rene being a little hormonal as of late has something to do with it? I only ask because James was headed in my direction?


all I said to Rene was that hurting James wasn't very nice, and please dont do it again, Rene took a look at James and waddled over to him and stood on his leg and just looked at him..

Edited by JJsHoney
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Just thought I would give a quick update, Rene and James still aren't on speaking terms... Rene completely ignores James and gives him a total birdy snub! When James walks into the room Rene goes to the opposite side as far away from him, when James talks to him Rene grumbles then turns and puts his back to him! sooo its a work in progress lol

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You guys and your apologies and words of support. ROFL.


I'm sorry, but I have 7 parrots and a day doesn't pass when I don't make a mistake and get nipped. For ya'll to fawn over one person getting bit is pretty silly. Unless I seriously misread something.


My greys NEVER bite me. They nip at the missus, she spends less time with them than I do. Our two GCCs are little band saws. They tolerate mom, hate me.


I'm sorry but one bite doesn't merit... anything. really.


Not trying to be a jerk, but if I posted every time I got nipped my post count would be in the thousands.

Edited by Lambert58
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the only reason this is posted is because I JUST re homed Rene, and went from evil bird to lovey bird all in the matter of 24 hours, just a few days ago... and I think a bird swooping in and lunging for someones face is something to post over, I wanted to know if it had something to with me or how hormonal he has been lately, I am not new to birds either, just new to Grey's.

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You guys and your apologies and words of support. ROFL.

I'm sorry, but I have 7 parrots and a day doesn't pass when I don't make a mistake and get nipped. For ya'll to fawn over one person getting bit is pretty silly. Unless I seriously misread something.

My greys NEVER bite me. They nip at the missus, she spends less time with them than I do. Our two GCCs are little band saws. They tolerate mom, hate me.

I'm sorry but one bite doesn't merit... anything. really.

Not trying to be a jerk, but if I posted every time I got nipped my post count would be in the thousands.


Isn't it grey't , The Grey Forums is free forum where you can say what ever you want, even give support to some one who gets bit!!! I support each one of these people, in what any way they need. If any one gets bit, I'll be the 1st to say I'M SORRY.. even you my friend! Jayd

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the only reason this is posted is because I JUST re homed Rene, and went from evil bird to lovey bird all in the matter of 24 hours, just a few days ago... and I think a bird swooping in and lunging for someones face is something to post over, I wanted to know if it had something to with me or how hormonal he has been lately, I am not new to birds either, just new to Grey's.

Your post is grey't, Will always surpport you and offer what ever help we can give...Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock, and the Forum!!!! Less one.

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JJ I don't think you have to justify the reasons for your post to someone who obviously is scoffing at your concerns and mocking you, and yes Lambert I mean you. This forum is here for support, whether that be having questions answered, or in the form of kind words. Lambert you say you are not trying to be a jerk, but that is exactly what you are being with that know it all attitude. If you have nothing kind or useful to say, then don't say anything at all.


And JJ, my Cleo is exactly the same with my roommate. She just cannot stand the sight of him, except when he has food, then she will be all over him. Cleo often does dive bombs, even when my roommate is just sitting quietly watching tv and ignoring the bird. I watch her, and I can see her staring intently at him, and for no apparent reason (except that she HATES him) goes and scares the living daylights out of him.


I tried getting him to give her treats, which she will accept, but when he's standing next to her cage with the treat, she will puff all her feathers up, open her beak as wide as she can, and runs along the perch, ready to strike.

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Yes we all get bit from time to time but I can understand your post about the biting on the face. If it had been his eye this post would have been even more serious. This forum is a place I feel where you can come to post about the good times with your grey as well as the bad, a place to ask for help & vent your frustrations & post just about anything to do with your grey.


The care & support here is great & that's what keeps people coming back..........well done people!

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a day doesn't pass when I don't make a mistake and get nipped..

Lol - It sounds like you're doing something wrong!!! Maybe you should post here more often - you get great advice!!!! Lol!!


As for Rene's attitude, I think a lunge at the face is very serious, and Bonnie I completely understand your concern and reasons for posting. Wether Rene hates James or not, he needs to understand that attacking his face is not not allowed. That would be the course I would be taking. I've gone through some serious attitude from Alfie in the past, but she's past it now, thank goodness, so no reason to believe Rene won't settle down and accept James as part of the flock. Good luck with him and please do keep us posted.

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You guys and your apologies and words of support. ROFL.


I'm sorry, but I have 7 parrots and a day doesn't pass when I don't make a mistake and get nipped. For ya'll to fawn over one person getting bit is pretty silly. Unless I seriously misread something.


My greys NEVER bite me. They nip at the missus, she spends less time with them than I do. Our two GCCs are little band saws. They tolerate mom, hate me.


I'm sorry but one bite doesn't merit... anything. really.


Not trying to be a jerk, but if I posted every time I got nipped my post count would be in the thousands.


IMO a bite to the face - particularly a child's face IS SERIOUS and completely different to the "nips" you describe! I wasn't aware this lady asked your permission to post and you say you are not trying to be a jerk??? I will say no more.

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Lambert, this is an open forum and anyone can post and share their opinions and if you thought Bonnie, aka JjsHoney, was over reacting to a bite that was received then that is your opinion, but the members here will continue to support anyone who asks for help and that includes you if you ever feel the need for we don't discriminate. For an example Jay has been bit many times as he has many birds more than you do but he tries to be helpful and supportive to anyone who asks and I would like to think that everyone else would to.

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I agree with Judy regarding LAMBERTS POST. With a whole 1 year of experience with the 7 birds basically all purchased at once does not make much of an expert or one to pay attention to advice from....


With that said and to keep this thread on-track....


The issue here is not so much the bite, but the behavior that needs to be addressed and how to either stop or prepare for a facial flying attack that can do serious damage to an eye. This thread was not started for sympathy, even though we are a VERY SUPPORTIVE forum and will give out sympathy and understanding any time we wish to do so.


I am attacked by Dayo as well at times. However, I know what causes it and am perpared to simply duck and move my arm up to deflect him up and over my head. It is always when I go to remove him from a wall mounted sensor that is about a foot long and 4 inches wide at about 7 feet high. Idon't know what it is about that sensor, but Dayo and Jake at some point everyday, will fly over to it and start trying to chew the vented cover off. Dayo will fly right at my face when I go to shoe him off.


Only a flighted bird can do this type of attack of course and they do. WE all just need to be preapred for it and know that one day it will come when they get pissed off. It is simialr to a child throwing a temper tantrum. They blow up, calm down and it's all over in 10 seconds. WE humans are the ones that get upset and stay that way tripping out about "How Could they have done that to me?". With our loved birds, that warning display is over the second after it happened and they will step up and love you almost instantly. The exception to this, is if you took a No-No item from them and they know you have it. They just might continue fly byes until they see or know you have put that item up. Then it will all be over and forgotten. This is how they live with each other in the wild as a flock. We are their flock and get treated as such.


This is never personal, for the majority of cases. The exception to this of course, is someone that has abused a bird and it has become that persons mortal enemy and the bird will never forget that. This is NOT the cause in this situation, but I thought I would mention it, because it does happen and stays as baggage with a re-homed bird. It could be that if a woman abused that bird, it just may hate all women. You just never know.

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Thanks guys, I have always been the type of person to take constructive criticism, and apply it, not get insulted or let my ego freak out LoL. I can understand Lambert58's point, maybe EVERY Bite doesn't deserve posting about,and that is not what I thought I was doing. we all are owed by birds and KNOW what they are going to do, they are animals, and anyone deciding to be adopted by a parrot must be delusional to even think they won't get corrected by their Birdie.. James holds no bad feelings to Rene, even though Rene is still holding a grudge hahaha.. but this is the life that WE Chose bites or no bites....

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My apologies. It was a kneeJERK reaction and I should have been nicer.

Bites do hurt, and words do as well. I'll choose more carefully next time :)

Hope the bite healed and all is well.


Thank You!!!!! Jayd

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James healed just fine ;) Rene still holds the grudge.. I have had to start leaving the room when James in with me too, because it sets Rene into terminater mode :( and James is the target. So we went from a no one can touch me house to ONLY Bonnie can touch me house.


Apology accepted ;)

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Willow is our little devil. Neither of our greys have ever bitten me; Leo beaks a bit when he's annoyed, but Willow thinks I'm the best thing since sunflower seeds. Her opinion of my wife, however, is vastly different. Only when I'm not home will Willow even step up for her, and even then she has to really watch Willow's body language to avoid a bite.


In contrast, our 2 green cheeks absolutely HATE me (both male) and LOVE my wife. Those two have cost me a pint of blood over the 18 months we've owned them, easily.

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