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Hey all from a newbie.

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Hey, guys. It's wonderful to be here. I joined because I'm hoping to be getting an African Grey very soon. I've been reading up a lot on them recently; have a book, have read websites and I even work with someone who once had one so she's been giving me lots of tips.


It's strange how I got here. I found the site from Andrew's page who owned Tui and I was extremely sad to hear what happened. I've been a constant viewer of Grey videos on YouTube recently to find out more about these beautiful and clever birds.


My sister is letting me have her parrot cage as she owns an Orange Winged Amazon parrot and brought a new cage. My next mission is beginning to buy toys, food and all the necessities....and finally, the bird which I'm VERY excited about! I know of a place that sells hand reared Greys and they're always very friendly birds and last time I went in, it was so hard to pull myself away. ;)

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Hi Cheshirecat and welcome to the forum, it's great to have you here and that you have joined us before your new addition comes along!! There is an awful lot to learn and this is the right place to do it!! It's great too, that you have read books etc, but their is no substitute for experience, and your friend will hopefully tell you all that the books won't - the mess, the noise, the destruction - the mayhem!!! Lol - just kidding, not too much mayhem!!!

I too found my way to this site from Andrew and Tui's Youtube page - their story is so sad.

It's good that you're here - any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, there are many very knowlegable members here, and we are all eager to help in any way we can.

Can't wait to hear how you get on with your new baby!

Lyn & Alfie


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Hello Chesire Cat and welcome to our family, we are so glad you are joining the world of grey ownership, it has many rewards so prepare yourself for a new lifetime committment for it will rock your world.

We really like to see people research and learn all they can before they committ to one of these amazing creatures for they deserve no less than our very best.

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Thank you so much for the welcomes. It means a lot. I've actually got a couple of friends on Facebook who also own greys and whilst one was saying more about the cleaning, the other said how much she adores her grey. I'm really looking forward to it. And I thought it'd be wise to join a community first to see firsthand experiences of keeping them as pets.


I was also blown away by the Alex and Griffin studies by Dr. Pepperberg; I watched one video with my mom and she wound up crying over poor Alex. I know it's a huge commitment, almost like having a child, but I'm prepared for it. The thing I'm excited about the most is the bond and making a new friend.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. You are certainly doing things the right way around by doing your research before getting your grey, so many people don't know what they are letting themselves in for and dive in head first only to re-home their grey in due course.


Look forward to the day you bring home your grey and your posts leading up to it.

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....and you shall be grinning like one when you get your baby!


Hi and welcome to our world! It's great that you are taking the plunge and researching these marvellous creatures. Please read the bad, as well as the good - they aren't all "whistles and bells" - they are downright destructive and self opinionated too! Until you actually are in the company of one you won't realise what you've let yourself in for - that little baby sharp grows into a stubborn teenager (but you don't get the 13 years beforeharnd, it's round sooner than you know it)!


Hope you learn lots from this forum - anything not covered, or you just want to ask - ask away! :)

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Spock here! The Grey who would be King! All my subjects who have posted here have done you well, their comments and suggestion are direct and how I taught them to answer, they might have been...............SPOCK! GET OFF THE COMPUTER RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! Sorry, he does that sometimes.... Welcome to the Forums, Thank you for taking the time to reserch these wonderful feathered friends.The people on this forum are here for one reason, to help. Please keep us posted!!! Maggie, Spock and Jayd.........Spock here!

Live Long and Prosper

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My sister is letting me have her parrot cage as she owns an Orange Winged Amazon parrot and brought a new cage. ;)

Welcome Cheshire Cat, I'm sure you'll find this forum really rewarding. Please let your sister know we have a nice Amazon Room, we love story', and photo's. You'd be surprized how many Grey's visit this rooms. So welcome to you and your soon to be companion....Jayd

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Hi Cheshire Cat (great name for a potential new grey owner by the way, made me smile). Kudos to you for doing your research on greys before getting one. They are so worth the effort but only for people who have that "feathered attitude". I think you are going to be a great parront and can't wait to hear that you have finally found your grey. Welcome to the Grey family!

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I will definitely tell my sister about this place; I'm sure she'd love it. Her Amazon is named Billy and he's a beautiful bird. Sadly though she had him from someone who never bothered with him much so she can't actually handle him. She opens his cage and lets him come out and sit on top of the cage, but she can't stroke or handle him which is such a shame.


I don't understand why people have animals and never get them out. That's what it's all about - having fun with them and caring for them. I also own gerbils and rats and the first thing I do when I get them home is begin handling them so they get to know me.


I'm getting my cage tomorrow WOO-HOO!! And then next will be accessories. I was looking at them the other day and pricing everything up.

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Welcome Ches and great job on doing your research. Let you sister know her bird can be trained and handed but it will take months of hard consistent and dedicated effort on her part. I'm third owner of my amazon and we're best of friends now. :) Good luck to you both.

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