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Yippeeeee...I heard from my breeder!


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OOOhhhhh! I can "hear" the excitement and remember it well!!! Have you thought about any names? I can't wait to see some photos (hint hint) - they are just sooooooo cute when they are babies aren't they! Great news - you will definitely be on a high all weekend :)

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Do we know whether your new baby is male or female? Now, if it's female I would suggest that Jill is a good name......:)


If I ever got another grey (which I never will, I'm not cut out for it) I would call a male Archie and a girl Blossom - now, I'd get away with "Archie", but can't imagine my husband shouting "come on Blossom!!!". :)

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I'm getting a baby Congo. :D I am so excited. :D I seriously am not going to be able to sleep tonight.:D My family thinks I'm crazy because I can't stand the excitement! :D I can't sit still, I told all my fids they were getting a new pal, I'm bouncing around. :D How am I going to make it through the weekend?


Oh, I pick him up Monday or Tuesday...I'll be happy dancing from now til then.



Do I detect a little excitement, you dang skippy, congrats to you and I don't know how you are going to make it thru the weekend, it will be the longest one of your life, can't wait to see some pictures of the new little one.

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Woohoo! I'm excited too and I remember that feeling so well. Those early days with your sweet baby are pure magic and I can't wait to read more about him/her.


If I were you I'd go for the more unusual names, for instance names that have nice meanings in other languages these can be used for both male or female. Also I do like the name "Casey"

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Lol Jacarual - I just love your last post - I can feel your excitment from here!!!! I remember it sooooo well - I was jumping out of my skin while I waited for Alfie - all 8 days!!

Names, I like Ashly (Ash) or Sky. Keep us updated with your thoughts.

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Awesome news, I was super excited about getting Issac too. I would visit the breeder so often just to see him in his 7th and 8th weeks. Then mid-ninth week, I could wait no longer...I brought him home and life has not been the same since. Congrats on your new baby Congo!!

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Oh wow, I feel priviledged to know your first name and that was cute how you did that for I never would have guessed but you are Laura from now on, Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura Laura


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Laura, how clever of you! You will find the perfect name for your new baby. I remember the thrill also. I knew my husband was to get this awesome, marvelous gift maybe a month or more before his birthday, but I couldn't say a word! Oh, the waiting was terrible! Then when I actually saw this wonderful. gorgeous ball of feathers with beady black eyes, I could hardly contain myself! You would have thought she was mine!!! (She is now.) I am so happy for you.

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The next couple of days are going to be the hardest of your life but the wait will be totally worth it I guarantee it so make the final preparations and get yourself ready to be amazed, you are about to find out what the rest of us already know, once you have that baby in your home and in your arms you will never want to let it go, he/she will steal your heart and you will think your heart is going to burst right out of your chest with the love you have for it, this will be the child that never leaves home. So enjoy the peace and quiet for in a couple of days it will never be the same but in a good way, are you ready Laura!


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Wow Laura, your excitement is contagious... Ok, we no you have Noogie, your TAG, you have other birds too don't you? What are their names? I'm kind of partial to Blueberry for a new bird for you! Hehe! I need to see the bird to name it, I channel it's energy from the picture and dertermine what it wants to be called. LOL!

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