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Update on Ozzy


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So if you remember I was having issues with Ozzy wanting to be on my shoulder then wanting to shred my ear. Well since then we have worked on it, he will now ride on my shoulder (have to walk slow or sit he has hard time gripping tight) and he no longer even looks at my ear, He also loves to give me kisses, the first time I tried it he nailed me but since then I have been working on gentle and offering the back of my hand, when he would kiss it he got a treat when he would bite he didnt and he now gives me kisses without tearing off my lip and he will put his head down for me to kiss his head. Man I love this bird! He also plays the piano (a barbie sized one)


I also have videos I have to upload.

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I let him on my shoulder and had one of the kids watch him close, when he started to go for the ear I took him down back to my lap for a few minutes he then would be allowed to go back up I just did this a bunch of times, also when he was on my lap he would chew my shirt but now I give him a foot toy and no more shirt chewing :)


he also has gained weight when we got hi myou could feel his chest bone a lot now you cant feel it as much. I am so proud of him he is coming along great

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Great news - only you will be able to read Ozzy's body language and nip the bad behaviour in the bud. He'll soon not have to grip on so tight and you'll be able to twirl and dance around in no time!! Glad to hear things are moving on - thanks for the update :)

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