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Trouble Flying


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I was hoping someone could give me a little advise. Recently I noticed Lily is off balance when she is flying and when she flaps her right wing it makes a funny sound, it almost looks like some feathers are not strong enough to push wind properly. She is currently molting and may be getting a new feather on her wing but she won't let me look at it. Has anyone else had a similar problem. Is there anything I can do for her?




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Your bird may have strained a weak muscle in the wing. Sometimes itcan happen when banging off of something or exercising too strenuosly. You should go to the vet and have it checked out before the wing possibly starts drooping. A vet can tell you what to do or not do concerning flying until the problem is fixed.

"""getting a new feather on her wing but she won't let me look at it.""""

Not uncommon. Some parots don't wanna be touched. Some get into bad , grouchy moods when molting. Some become withdrawn and very quiet. The major thing is getting the wing looked at. Right now, it doesn't sound bad so go to the vet to make sure it doesn't get any worse.

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Hi, just wanted to follow up. Lily finally let me examine her wing and I noticed she had a flight feather that kept going out of place. It was an old feather so I snipped it off. Now she is able to fly better and the sound her wing was making is gone. Thanks for the help.

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