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Hi, from Oscar :)

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Sorry I missed saying hello! Hi Oscar ~ hope your parront enjoys reading everything around here in preparation for your life ahead!


I'm even more sorry I'm a week too late in trying to get you to be able to fly! Why oh why oh why!! I'm not sure what "differentiate between you and Ruby" means - just tell the difference? Could they not have painted a toenail - it's a bit of a drastic step to take just because foolish people can't tell two birds apart!!


Anyhow, it's done now, let's hope your parront lets your wings grow so that you can learn to be a bird :)


Also, in your blog, your parront describes you were scared and hid in the corner of your cage - greys are very timid creatures that don't like change and new things have to be introduced very gradually - a new cage full of new toys is a terrifying experience, so it's no wonder that you are scared. Perhaps your parront needs to take some things out of the cage and introduces them gently :)





Edited by JillyBeanz
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In all honesty we went to the store one day and were told he had flown and they had clipped him, I guess because it's a store and they didn't want him flying around and then we were also told it was to help to tell the difference between the two Greys, try are currently in the same cage..which I don't necessarily agree with but I assume he will be moved when he gets a bit older. I can tell you we will be letting his feathers grow back and letting him fly.


With the toys, all the ones in his cage he is fine with he's had them for a few weeks, but we don't want him to become phobic so we bring him a different toy from home everday so he can get accustomed to new toys and so when he cones home it isn't so bad with the toys, we don't leave then there though but we introduce them to him, only one a day. Some he loves right away and some it takes time for him to warm up to them.

maybe we Are wrong...any suggestions?

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It is normal for them to have toys they immediately like and others they don't. Some will even get feathers ruffled and they will want to flee from. This does not happen so much with babies, but it will become very pronounced as you grey ages.


The wing clipping to identify a bird is really odd. They normally have leg bands you can check to see which bird you have.

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Danmcq - unfortunately both don't have bands. When they hatched the breeder had so many of them that there was just no time for him to put on bands/maybe he didn't have enough... We have tried to find him one for a quil fix while at the pet store but no luck. There is a thread in the grey lounge titled "no leg band" I would link to it but on my phone it wobt allow me for some reason :S

but with out both it seems to be fine and there has been no more confusion, when the other owners come, they store staff will go in and hand them their parrot rather than have them guess who is who

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On Saturday Oscar flew for the first time :) he deff needs some practice but he has to start somewhere lol, we are so proud of him and for the past few days he can't seem to stay in one spot!

theres a video on his blog.

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