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How to get them to eat their veggies!


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Harvey's like everyone else's birds - prefers the "junk" to the "good". I've tried many a way to entice him on the merits of veggies, and he does eat them (with resistance).......UNTIL NOW!!


Having chopped it, sliced it, chipped it, curled it, mixed it, cooked it (you get the picture) and having added herbs and spices (particularly chilli powder) I've found the Holy Grail......


GROUND GINGER!! I thought I'd give it a go on Monday when I was making his veggies, so after chopping up his courgette, green beans, carrots, kale, broccoli and celery I gave a little sprinkling.


Well, the bowl on my return was empty, and there was MINIMAL waste on the floor of his cage!!


So, go on, try Ground Ginger!" It's the future!!!!! :D

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This is worth a try!!!!! Ginger is good for their tummy if they get car sick....•GINGER-- Excellent to prevent motion sickness when parrots must travel. Use a few drops of ginger extract in the water, and slices of fresh ginger offered the night before the bird must travel. Very useful against nausea and regurgitation. http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww24eii.htm

Very good post... Jayd

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Hat's off to you Jill for finding the thing that Harvey loves!! Alas, I have tried ginger and it get's lobbed to the dogs with most everything else. However, she has just taken a liking to banana after two years of trying, so I will keep trying the ginger - fresh, pureed, powdered, grated - whatever!!! You never know!

As for getting her to eat her veg, the thing that makes it absolutely irresistable to Alfie..............is eating it off of our plate!! So now David gets his tea with a genourous helping of Alfie veg!!!! Works a charm!!!

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By jove I think you found the trick to it, she has to think she is taking his food, that whats on his plate is better than anything she has been offered and if it works then thats wonderful, maybe it will work for others too.

Thanks Jill for the idea about ginger, I will try it.

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Interesting Jill thanks, Paco has been the opposite lately, he can't be bothered with anything but his veggies. I've started chopping them fine with the food processor, steaming them for a couple of minutes and he is going wild for them. Spinach, brocolli, carrots, yams, green beans, red, green and jalepeno peppers...

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Mmmm.. Sounds like Harvey has a taste for the exotic!! dance4.gif

Emma's spice of choice is cayenne pepper and HOT HOT chilli peppers. She hates, ciIn the past I've had to try veggie kabob skewers and sneaking it in her beloved oatmeal. These days, no sneaking is required because Emma loves her daily veggie bowl. I know some parronts also sneak veggies in homemade birdie bread. Somehow, I don't think the princesses would like ginger too much.laughing6.gif

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