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Aviator Harness


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Hello Everyone...I just had to say that I dont know what I was so afraid of . I put Houdini's harness on him yesterday and it went very well. I did get gently nipped at when I was putting it on but I think that is to be expected. It wasnt bad really. The worst part was getting it tight around his belly and, he kept getting his feet caught in the harness so I would gently get the harness out of his feet and try to tighten the harness up before he did that again.

he sat on my lap and I talked to him the whole time explaining to him what I was doing. And getting his wings lifted up and through the hoops was nothing. and he doesnt like his wings to be touched really. but he didnt mind it yesterday... I was so shocked it went so well.

I love it. it is so nice to take him outside with me. and he was pooped out when we came back in and he slept really good last night . I didnt hear him up at 2am crunching on his pellets like I usually do....lol..........:D;);););)

Edited by justalady721
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It is such a joy when the Aviator is accepted and you have that "freedom" without having to lug the travel cage around! They do enjoy trying to "help" you by getting their talons in the way - part of the game for them! So pleased that you have found the Aviator a great experience - the greatest advice I can give is that you must keep putting it on every couple of days though, getting Houdini in the routine, as I learned the hard way and didn't put it on Harvey over the winter, and I am now struggling to get it on him. You'll have to get some pictures posted of Houdini looking handsome in his harness. :)

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Thats great that you had a wonderful first experience with the harness and like Jill said put it on him from time to time so he stays comfortable with it but expect to have some times that he may not want to cooperate but making it a positive and happy experience will go a long way in keeping this acceptable for him.

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Today again we put Houdini's harness on. He did still nip at me a little bit. I calmy talked with him letting him know we were going outside for some fresh air. actually I think he was really happy with it once we got outside because he started making different whistles. he did fly off my shoulder and landed very softly to the ground it was so awesome. so we had some ice tea together and sat in the shade and listened to all the other birds make their sweet music.

Oh he actually let me lay him on his back today to get the harness off. I thought that was really, really good. I love my little guy

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Oh he actually let me lay him on his back today to get the harness off. I thought that was really, really good. I love my little guy


I am so jealous, I wish Josey would let me put her on her back but she will have none of it, glad you had another wonderful experience with the harness.


so we had some ice tea together


Don't let her have too much of that tea, that is on the no no list but a taste won't hurt her.

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I am so jealous, I wish Josey would let me put her on her back but she will have none of it, glad you had another wonderful experience with the harness.




Don't let her have too much of that tea, that is on the no no list but a taste won't hurt her.


Oh, I wont I heard that before I only give him a little bit at a time. he will have one or two little drinks and thats all.

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