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Brought my new baby home on Saturday....

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Her name is Nala and she is a CAG that's 9 weeks old today. I brought her home on Saturday and the breeder was still feeding her 50cc twice a day with a syringe. She doesn't want to seem to eat much baby food for me. Doesn't want anything to do with the syringe but she will take 1 or 2 spoonfuls for me in the morning but that's it.

She is eating solid foods good all day. Eats her dry foods all day and I give her fresh vegetables in the evening which she seems to pick at pretty good. She has already learned to drink from the water bottle and I see here up there a few times a day drinking from it.

Anyway, should I be worried about her not eating her baby food? How much weight should I be seeing her gain each day/week? She is at about 380g now.

Just wondering if I should take her back to the breeder for a couple more weeks.



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Her name is Nala and she is a CAG that's 9 weeks old today. I brought her home on Saturday and the breeder was still feeding her 50cc twice a day with a syringe. She doesn't want to seem to eat much baby food for me. Doesn't want anything to do with the syringe but she will take 1 or 2 spoonfuls for me in the morning but that's it.

She is eating solid foods good all day. Eats her dry foods all day and I give her fresh vegetables in the evening which she seems to pick at pretty good. She has already learned to drink from the water bottle and I see here up there a few times a day drinking from it.

Anyway, should I be worried about her not eating her baby food? How much weight should I be seeing her gain each day/week? She is at about 380g now.

Just wondering if I should take her back to the breeder for a couple more weeks.


OMG, Please, take her to the breeder, she should be eating 50cc's plus 3 times a day!!!!!! Take her back till she is weaned and flying.......... Please read: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189724-Phoebe%28tanya%29-babys&p=195993#post195993


These breeders who sell these babies before being weaned should have there license revoked... Please keep us informed....Jayd

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I talked to the breeder and she said my baby was already getting finicky with her 2 feedings. Also, I am not a rookie when it comes to hand feeding. I used to breed cockatiels and love birds some years back so I asked to take her when she was at 2 feedings. I got her to eat a good syringe full tonight but it took some doing. I just can't force it down her though. She is eating solid foods good already so I know she is getting something in her. She has also taken to her water bottle already too and is drinking quite a bit. She even took her first flight tonight.

I think she is just going to wean herself early. But I will watch her weight.

She knows the step up command already too and already following my target stick all over the place for a safflower seed. I think she is going to be a big very smart bird.... :-)

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Her name is Nala and she is a CAG that's 9 weeks old today. She is at about 380g now.

Just wondering if I should take her back to the breeder for a couple more weeks.



How old is your baby? a 9 week old CAG doesn't fly!!!! Jayd.

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Yes 9 weeks old today actually. Born 3/23. She has been flapping on my had ever since i brought her home on Saturday and tonight while in the living room she just took off. Not very far, only about 6 feet and lucky right to the couch. So I guess they can start to fly at 9 weeks. The breeder I got her from is a very well known and respected breeder out here so I am sure she is not lying to me about her age.

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So I guess they can start to fly at 9 weeks. The breeder I got her from is a very well known and respected breeder out here so I am sure she is not lying to me

No, I'm sure a breeder would never lie. And yes, surely a CAG can fly at nine weeks old, like you said " I think she is going to be a big very smart bird.... :-) , Sorry I should have known better, It's good to see everything is going good for the two of you. Keep up the good work!!! Please keep the forum posted on your new baby.....My personal feelings are still that there should be a law about selling babies before it's weaned. A good way to tell if a baby is ready to fly, is his flight feathers reach the tip of his/her red tail feathers.


Edited by Jayd
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Well Nala is sucking down her formula now..... :-) Maybe it just took her a few days to get used to someone else feeding her and I think maybe I was just giving it to her a little too cool. I am warming it a bit more and she is eating a lot in the morning and before bed. She is eating so much solid foods now though that I think I can start weaning her from her morning feeding.

She also have been flying to my hand off her playstand about 5 or 6 feet away and already chasing the target chop stick all over the place for a click and treat.

She is going to be so fun to train.

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What a wonderful bird, flying so good and going to 1 feeding a day, I'm sure you know their formula temp should be 105 to 109 degrees F... Spock and his 3 siblings didn't wean for over 20 weeks, they were I guess, slow Grey's. Keep us informed. Jayd... P.S. Have you read the thread, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189724-Phoebe%28tanya%29-babys&p=196447#post196447 Her poor babies are 9 weeks old and are just starting to balance good. Your so lucky!

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I just read the whole thread. Very good info there. Her's seem a little smaller than mine for the same age. Maybe mine could be a week or two older but the birth date she gave me was 3/23. Or maybe they all just grow at different rates. Here is a link I dug up to sort of go by for their first 12 weeks. You probably have seem this though.


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After reading this entire thread and viewing the photo of your baby grey, I would guess your grey is closer to 12 weeks old. This would fit the feeding and starting to fly behaviors you have described.


Some Greys do wean earlier than others. It does sound like yours is going to make an early switch over. Unless it was the lower temperature that was a turn off.


Beautiful Grey and I look forward to hearing and seeing a lot more. :)

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Well Nala is sucking down her formula now..... :-) Maybe it just took her a few days to get used to someone else feeding her and I think maybe I was just giving it to her a little too cool. I am warming it a bit more and she is eating a lot in the morning and before bed. She is eating so much solid foods now though that I think I can start weaning her from her morning feeding.

She also have been flying to my hand off her playstand about 5 or 6 feet away and already chasing the target chop stick all over the place for a click and treat.

She is going to be so fun to train.


One of the first things I got when I brought Issac home was a digital thermometer that you use to take meat temperatures. Do not go by feel, you could burn the crop if it's too hot. It's important to keep it in the range that JayD said of 105-109. So if you don;t have one already, I would get one for sure.


Oh and congratulations on your new baby, nine weeks was about when i brought Issac home. He flew to the ceiling in his 10th week. ;)

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Do not stop any of the feedings unless he refuses it himself, some take longer to wean than others but the concensus here is to continue to handfeed as long as the baby wants it and will take it, he will refuse it when he is ready.

Your baby does look older than 9 weeks.

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Looking at your photos I too would say that the bird is around 12 weeks too - it looks exactly as Harvey did when I brought him home at 12 weeks (although he was weaned). He was able to fly then too - but still a little shaky, so I would have thought three weeks earlier he wouldn't have been able to fly at all!


I'm not entirely sure why the breeder would "stretch the truth" - there's nothing to gain by "pretending" that the bird is younger, quite the opposite actually - I would shy away from a younger bird (well, it's actually against the law in the UK to sell/buy unweaned birds anyway) and I would have thought a large percentage of people would prefer a weaned bird - it's such a demanding role having to feed a bird.

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Well all birds grow and fly at different rates I guess and there is no reason why the breeder would want to lie to me. She is a very respected breeder and keeps all her records from her birds she breeds. Her name is Eva Rosen from http://www.emrexoticbirdbreeder.com/


If you look at the 8wk picture in this link http://www.babygreys.co.uk/12-weeks.htm Nala looked exactly like this the week before I picked her up and the 9th and now going on the 10th week looks just about right so I can't say she really stretched the truth about her age.


She would have waited to sell her to me until she was weaned but I wanted to hand feed for a while so she will bond with me. And I must say it is going really well. She is already letting me lay her on her back, flying to my hand, and already clicker training good chasing her target stick all over for a treat. I think I just got lucky with this girl.... :-)

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Quote # 1 "Maybe mine could be a week or two older but the birth date she gave me was 3/23"


Quote # 2 "Well all birds grow and fly at different rates I guess and there is no reason why the breeder would want to lie to me"


Which is it to be!!

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I am just saying I have no reason not to believe her and after I first said that I found this link so I am thinking now that she really is that age. So it can be whatever you want it to be.



Quote # 1 "Maybe mine could be a week or two older but the birth date she gave me was 3/23"


Quote # 2 "Well all birds grow and fly at different rates I guess and there is no reason why the breeder would want to lie to me"


Which is it to be!!

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Hey jayd,

Does it make a difference if I warm the water up first then mix in the formula or should i mix it first cold then warm it up?

Make your water hotter than the desired 109 temp, have a bowl of ice water that you can set your glass in, stir your formula till it reaches 109, [check twice] start serving. When formula temp reaches 105, repeat.

Thanks Jayd


NOTE! Don't Microwave, to much chance of getting hot spots!!!!

Edited by Jayd
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Well all birds grow and fly at different rates.

I wanted to hand feed for a while so she will bond with me. :-)

This is true, but no bird can fly till it can deliver lift..From your picture, the flight feathers aren't long enough. A bird that flaps their wings, and goes down and forward due to lack of lift, isn't flying.

Hand-feeding to improve bonding, is a myth. At around 1 year of age, a CAG, will leave the nest to start their own life, [a Tag, at around 6mo's] some parrots "kick" their young out as soon as their fledged, a good example is a Green-cheek Conure,[and others] a hand raised baby usually doesn't bond well with the person who raised them. A hand-fed Grey,bonds no better than a weaned Grey!



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I just read the whole thread. Very good info there. Her's seem a little smaller than mine for the same age. Maybe mine could be a week or two older but the birth date she gave me was 3/23. Or maybe they all just grow at different rates. Here is a link I dug up to sort of go by for their first 12 weeks. You probably have seem this though.



I've seen this before - and what you will see is very interesting is the jump in weight from 9 weeks to 12 weeks. Perhaps you could use the weight chart to date your grey if you are in any *sort of* doubt?


My grey, Harvey, was a spoon fed, hand reared grey - but not by me, by the breeder and I can't say that this has harmed my relationship with Harvey. Take the last five minutes. I have removed him from my arm (that I'm trying to use to type) six times - he just wants to be near me!! I can't see that weaning him myself could have made our relationship any stronger - but if you feel that by you doing this yourself you will have a better bond, then so be it.


I'm also truly amazed by the clicker training etc - Harvey's 17 months old and does nothing he is told to do - he'd rather do what he wants to do!!! Good luck - we'll be seeing you with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show soon - move aside Alex & Einstein!!!

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