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Crazy Issac - Week 27


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Issac has, for the most part, been his same little self lately. One thing that is totally funny that happened the other night is that he will go from being totally crazy, flying around from furniture top to furniture top doing battle cries. Hanging from his toy and getting totally agro on it, going upside down and just being crazy in general. Then about an hour later, become the most cuddly little bird of all time. This part was super cute, he flew down to where I was sitting on the couch and begins to nuzzle his head all up by my feet. So I was scratching and massaging his head and rubbing for like an hour at his personal request. I would stop and he would just jam his head down on my foot rubbing up and down asking for more. I was more than happy to oblige, I love to do it...but this was the longest scratch session I had to date. For that I was in heaven.


One sort of scary behavior is this; If I see him go for something and I don't particularly think he should play with it, or he just shouldn't...sometimes he will get angry and try to bite as I take it away or move him. I do my best to keep things that he shouldn't get to out of the way, but sometimes you can't predict so far out. I employ a 5 minute cage time-out in those cases where he tries to attack me, but is that okay to do? Any other way to discourage this behavior?


He does also have this new weird sound he makes that makes me laugh. Kinda goes "Rrreeaaarrrrreewewewwwt". Hard to write out, but it's super cute. I also continue to hear him make attempts at speech...or so it seems.


He plays with his toys a lot more these days, I have been making them out of things he likes from old toys and other knick knacks I can find. Got him on the Ultimate Blend mix from Bird Paradise, he seems to like that. He has also discovered how to get the nut inside of the palm nut out. He loves to do this. Veggies are back and forth as usual. Some days I come home and nothing is gone, other days, a big pile on the bottom of the cage. I also think he is starting to back off on his formula, can't say for sure...but over the last couple of days, he seems to not enjoy the syringe feeding so much. So I am letting him scoop it out of a spoon. We will see what he does in the coming days. Could my baby finally be weaning?? :)


Well thanks for reading and thanks for all the advice. Cheers all.



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GreYt weekly update again!


Bottom line, the time outs will get the message across biting is not appreciated or socially acceptable. They will slow down over time with consistancy.


BUT, if they have something or are doing something they find to be BIG FUN, they will bite the crap out of you if you try to take it away or remove them. Then the next level....You take it away, they fly right at you or swoop around , land in the middle of your back and give you a proper pinch, then fly off satisfied they got their message across to you... Me no likey!!

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Yes JayD, he does sound like something out of Jurassic park these days. Getting on with his parrot self. LOL. It almost sounds like a car starting or something, but not quite...just cute a quiet like.


I do make sure to let him at what ever he wants when he is in that 'kill this toy' mode. I can recognize easily when not to mess with him. I will briskly shoo him skywards if he starts acting up typically and avoid pain. Then he just flys off and returns later. But there are those times where I can see him get angry, get a bead on my hand and launch. Not fun...lol. He usually calms down quite a bit after 5 mins in the cage, because he knows that is reserved for only the biggest of offenses....and he is almost NEVER in the cage when I am home. He's a good boy. :)

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Hate to say I told you so stephen! I told you he would start to not enjoy the formula as much...He is on his way!


Yep, he does not prefer the syringe anymore...as of last night he has sort of just makes a mess of it if I try. So, I held out a spoon and he pleasently scoops it up from there. I don't know what I'll do when he completely stops. Ohhh my baby.

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Oh my gosh, could Issac finally be giving up the formula, he sure has milked this for all its worth but he looks so handsome, maybe it is all that formula that has kept him so healthy looking cause it certainly hasn't hindered.

I think they all do that weird pre historic vocalizations when playing and some when flying thru the house and then they can turn around and be so sweet you think you have a Jekyll and Hyde personality but its just them being themselves.

In a grey's mind its whats his is his and whats yours is his too!

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Oh my gosh, could Issac finally be giving up the formula, he sure has milked this for all its worth but he looks so handsome, maybe it is all that formula that has kept him so healthy looking cause it certainly hasn't hindered.

I think they all do that weird pre historic vocalizations when playing and some when flying thru the house and then they can turn around and be so sweet you think you have a Jekyll and Hyde personality but its just them being themselves.

In a grey's mind its whats his is his and whats yours is his too!



He hasn't refused it just yet, and I will continue to give it to him so long as he likes it. I have also wondered if that is what keeps him so beautiful. I do constantly marvel at his beauty, he is an amazing specimen. :)

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