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The games birdies play!


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It's just a game. Tobie made it up and then taught me how to play. Silly little game really. I'm usually trying to check my email or watch TV. He comes and sits on my shoulder and presses his beak firmly against my cheek next to my mouth. He then makes a sound. It could be a raspberry, burping sound, farting sound, kissy sound, cooing etc. you get the idea. Then I respond with a sound of my own. He does another and then me etc. The idea is to make the coolest grossest or silliest sound and to top the one he or I do. No words are exchanged unless I start to laugh and move my cheek away from his beak and then he sais "stay" (meaning come back here, don't quit). I can look down on his golden eye so intensly he watches my mouth for the next burp, squeek, or coo. Then I think, "I'm almost 60 years old, and here I am burping and farting with a bird!!". They really do bring out the inner child, don't you think. Please share the games your birds share with you. Do you play similar games or other games Tobie hasn't thought of yet.

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Ha Ha Ha Ha! Nope, sorry Jan - you are the only person on the PLANET that does this! Only joking! Harvey's new "game" is lying in my arms, on his back like a baby whilst I blow on his tummy! I told the girls at work this today and they've booked me an appointment with the work's psychiatrist!!! :)

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What a sweet game you and Tobie play Jan. Ana Grey and I play whistling games, she whistles I whistle with one or the other changing up for a different whistle. Now my ekkie, Sully and I play sound games, he doesn't talk but likes sounds so he makes his laser sound and I try to copy it (I'm not very good) and he repeats it so I can "learn".

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Jan this is just priceless - I would love to see a video of this if you could somehow manage it? You and Tobie burping and farting together - LOL!!!

Alfie and I play guess the noise - she makes it, I guess what it is - I think it's more in my head than hers but we both seem to enjoy it!!

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reggerio - I'll bet murphy's got some cool games already in the back of his mind. You do have to get on their level though. Another one Tobie likes is gotcha. He runs up to me all fluffed up with his head down and swinging side to side and the trick is to touch right and left on the shoulder, foot or side of the beak without getting bitten. If he bites hard of course the game is over and he knows that. Mostly it's just a little rough and tumble fun - my finger tapping against his swinging beak. If he gets me he releases my finger right away and off we go again. It's funny when I touch his inner thighs, right-left-right. He ends up with his head between his legs and tail straight up.


Jillybeans - I've seen pictures of bird on their backs. Tobie never learned to do that. Odd, he never played upside down either - like the photos in the topsy turvey contest - until recently. I wonder if he was afraid because he couldn't fly and was nervous about falling. I think that must be dear to see.

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Rene has me trained LOL and lately the game is to make the sound of a bomb dropping woooooooooooo splat!!! to which I answer Good job!!!! then its my turn I make the noise but not the splat... he does it so much better than I.. then I will do it again this time with the splat and I get a big happy GOOD JOB from Rene...He will play this way for as long as I will whistle back. and today I am trying to teach him the splat noise over and over, sounds like a bad imitation of a gun LOL and go OH you got me!!, he now mumbles and ends with Oh Got!! I am working on a video, I have a lot of editing to do so it fits and you can hear him speak.... hopefully tomorrow

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luvparrots, JJshoney - Yeah, my sounds don't hold a candle to Tobies. He also does a neat lasergun sound. I wonder where they come up with some of this stuff. Do Ana grey or Rene use the laser when she is throwing things. Tobie does the crash and Laser sound when things are being thrown like pelleted food.

Pearlyn - I will try to get a video, but it's usually so spontaneous if I stop to set up a camera I'll bet the game will be over.

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Jan, Rene did something like that today, he was taking apart one of his toys which had big plastic balls on it and each time it would fall he would make the splat noise lol, then go down to the floor pick it up and make the laser noise.. he also does it when he is holding sticks lol like he is holding a real laser hahaha Bonnie

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One of Dayo's word and noise games...


When I am sitting at the PC, he will start the game.


Dayo: Sing!


Me: I sing the Banana Boat song and he dances and whistles during it.


Then.. Dayo: Whistle!


Me: I whistle the Andy Griffith tune, then he joins in and bobs up and down.


Then... Dayo: 911!!!


Me: I make the siren sounds several times.


Dayo: Boom, ratta tat tat, Boom Ba Boom Ba Boom, tat tat then a whistle and another cyle of those noises.


Me: yeah Good Beatbocx Dayo!


Then .... Dayo: BeatBox!


Me: I do a few cycles of beatboxing


Dayo: Dance!


Me: I put on some music and dance and he joins in.


He will continue this cycle over and over several times.

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I love it Dan. What a pair!!! I find it interesting that Dayo gives the command or names the sound he wants and you do it!! Like 911 and you make the siren and Dayo sais whistle and you do the andy griffith. I think he is a great trainer. HA!HA!HA! Also I love the interaction when you whistle he bobs his head and you two dancing. What fun they are!!!

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but it's usually so spontaneous if I stop to set up a camera I'll bet the game will be over.


Noooo Jan, you mustn't stop it to try to video it - that would be not good - Tobie would not like it! We'll just have to hope there is someone else around who can work the video camera the next time you and Tobie have a farting session!!!

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Noooo Jan, you mustn't stop it to try to video it - that would be not good - Tobie would not like it! We'll just have to hope there is someone else around who can work the video camera the next time you and Tobie have a farting session!!!


Well, you could get it set up on a tripod and rig up a remote control that always keep in your pocket. Who knows, maybe Tobie would figure out how to use the remote control and make us some videos as well!

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Actually Murphy does play a little game with me on top of his cage. If I go to one side & duck down, then pop my head up saying "give us a kiss" he come running over as fast as he can, I then run round to the other side & so on. You can tell by the way he runs over enthusiastically that he really enjoys it :D

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Rangi and I have started with the who can stick their tongue out the furthest. He pokes his tongue out at me and I do it back to him. He then tried again to stick his out further this time. I then stick mine out and wiggle it at him. He then copies and has it all the way out and wiggles it. It's so far out I can see the pinky bit way at the back of his tongue. We can go on for ages sticking our tongues out at each other...very childish, hehe.

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Oh!! I'm still laughing picturing you two sticking your tongues out at each other. I didn't know there was a pinky part of the tongue. PLEASE!! Video Please!!


Reggiero gave me a great idea! I doubt I can get Tobie to stick his tongue out with me but I know he will run to me for a kiss. Great idea.

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Cleo loves to wrestle with me. She has learned what her beak and foot are, so I might say to her "Gonna get your.....beak!", and move my hand towards her beak, so she grabs my finger. If I say I am going for her foot, she holds her foot out and I grab it. This is followed by lots of "I got you I got you", and wrestling with said beak/foot. She is incredibly gentle when she grabs me with her beak, a firm hold, but no real pressure. We are learning about our tail at the moment, so I can grab that too.

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