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What a weekend


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Well, we had an adventurous weekend. Yesterday I decided to do a deep clean of the living/bird room and cage. While cleaning the cage I knocked off one of the panels of the seed skirt which landed on both my foot and my hardwood floors. First, it hurt, but it also left a deep gouge in the floor which irritated me. I made the mistake of letting the "F" bomb fly, something I am so cognizant of not doing. It was no sooner out of my mouth than Paco said it back to me, with the same exclamation that I said it in. There was no denying it, I couldn't blame anyone else, it sounded like me.


I ingored his exclamation and immediately took off to the kitchen in the hopes that it would distract him. Sure enough, he started calling his name, and doing his crow caw, so I came back and finished the job and I haven't heard him say it again, so I'm hoping I might of dodged a bullet there.


Later, I loaded him up in the car to do our weekly journey to a friend's house for dinner, and where we stay the night. On the drive there, I decided to push it a bit, ok, I was speeding. Anyway, all of a sudden from the back seat travel cage a loud police siren started. I actually checked my rear-view mirror and THOUGHT the "F" word again before realizing that it was Paco keeping me in line.


I think this has been the chattiest weekend we've had together, he's really grumbling and mumbling what sounds like longer statements. It'll be interesting to see what he ends up saying. I keep trying to think what he might have heard me say, but for the life of me, I'm not sure...

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It's difficult to remember not to swear around them isn't it?


I heard a story a while back, not sure where but it was a funny & went something like this. A vicar was putting up a picture frame in his house & while using his hammer he hit his thumb & let out a few swear words by accident. When he had some people over for tea one day his CAG started swearing. Imagine the embarrassment of the vicar who doesn't normally swear, trying to explain that one? :P


So don't feel too bad it happens to the best of us.

  • Haha 1
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Lol - you have had quite a weekend! Now where on earth would he have heard a police siren from ?!!! And while you were speeding too!! Lol funny! I do love it when you start to hear the makings of a new word - it's a great guessing game for a while, trying to figure it out!

Lol Paul - love the Vicar story!!

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Yes, he will keep me in line I suppose. Which is a good thing considering I work within the justice system. I live on a fairly "main" artery, so, Paco likes to sit in his hanging gym which allows him to look out to the street as the emergency vehicles go whizzing by. I'm just glad he chose the police siren over the ambulance, I prefer the sound. It was strange that he did it while I was going faster than I should, but I've now started to say, "Who called the cops" after he does it. He seems to like that, and I figure it'll be amusing if I ever take him into work with me, or have friends from work over... Luckily, there has not been a repeat of the curse word, so I'm hoping I lucked out.

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Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Kept in line by a parrot! Whatever next!!! This, of course, would never happen in my house - I'm far too sweet, innocent and naive to use such language............!!


I always thought that things had to be said or heard a few times before they "repeated" our actions - but after one episode of sneezing, Harvey now "sneezes" - so between him and Paco they've proved me wrong :)


Love the police car bit though Ryan! Mint!!!!

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