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Abundent Feeding!


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Abundant feeding, is exactly what the name apply, To have enough food available for your growing baby that they'll never have to search or worry about food. The change from "Rapid weaning" to "Abundant Feeding came about in the early "90's". A study of wild and hand raised Hyacinth Macaws showed that hand raised H macaw's of the time were stunted, smaller, and out of proportion. At the time, rapid weaning was in favor, hand feeding would be cut to force the birds to wean and eat solid food sooner. Through these studies, Abundant feeding came about.

What is Abundant feeding? At all times you have more food available then is needed for the babies, yes some food is wasted, but you have a healthy bird...Have plenty of pellets and seed's available at all times, fresh veggies through-out the day, and most important, hand-feeding as long as the baby wants it, no exceptions.


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When you explain it like that it makes perfect sense to have food available so birds can eat when they are hungry and since they rarely overeat then there is no problem, I have never handfed a baby bird but I certainly know who to come to for advice if the opportunity ever presents itself, many thanks for this thread Jay.

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Thank you for the post :)


At what age should this begin? I know at younger ages the fear of overfeeding and stretching the crop is there.


My baby is 6 weeks and I have begun offering softened pellets, fruits, veggies and millet in between feedings but it really hasnt taken to them yet other than the occasional nibble. It really does does beg for more food, but its already taking 50cc of formula per feeding and I am wary of giving it anymore food at once and doing harm. I have even pondered adding a little fruit, veggie or mashed pellets to its formula to help develop its taste for them.


I have a feeling my Grey is going to be...large :D

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Go ahead with the food, at this stage they do more playing with it than eating but they will start eating...remember to remove your soaked pellets after 2 hours. I don't suggest adding anything to the formula other than a 1/4 teaspoon of peanut butter if the baby is underweight. The formula actually stimulates the desire for solid foods. Tanya's babies at 8 weeks is doing very well with the munchies...every baby is different. Does your baby have big feet and large bones? Spock has extremely large feet...he always has...

How many times are you feeding your baby a day? My personal feelings are no...I worry too much about stretched crops. I've seen it too many times. The crop should be spongy when you touch it with your finger...not tight. Another concern of mine regarding feeding formula is I've seen incidents where too much formula has been given and it cools too fast and impacts which sometimes can be resolved and other times not.

In the early ninety's with the impending law to stop all importation of new birds to the US, the bird pet industry went into overdrive to captive-breed existing parrots. During this time, we were paid $20 a day to feed 80-100 babies a day. This was with a Gavage needle inserted into the crop. This is definitely NOT my way of feeding unless I have a sick or injured bird. Keep up the GREYT job!


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Thanks for the input! I'll contine to offer these things to the baby. And once it begins eating them I"ll make sure it has as much as it wants of them :)


And yea, very big feet and frame. It has the same feathering and look of other 6 weeks I've seen, but looks to have the frame of a 7 or 8 week old. Thats why I began offering weening foods a little sooner. Baby seems like it wants to grow big! :)

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No, unfortunately I havent managed to find a gram scale yet. But there is no question the baby gets heavier by the day! It spends an hour or two each day in my arms so I have a pretty good feel for its weight =P

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