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avian collar


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Ok so mo jo has to go back to vet tomorrow to be fitted for avian collar has anybody else had to have these for their birds? I think this will really piss him off but his scabs can't finish healing because he keeps picking at them so the vet said it had to be done. I guess on a plus maybe some of his feathers will be able to grow in this way lol. I am really not looking forward to this.

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I have to be blunt here. It may temporarily help a skin or an injury to the skin condition ( if he lets it stay on). But if your bird is a chronic plucker, your bird will start that plucking all over again when the collar is removed .Many times a collar has the reverse effect----it makes a bird more nervous and hyper than he already is. Most of the time, vets give a prescription ointment for scabs or overly scaly areas of the body. Also, you'll have to carefully look at the edges of the collar frequently because birds bite those areas, make them jagged and those edges could hurt him.

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One of the vets I took Josey to recommended putting a collar on her because she was chewing on the feathers on one wing but I just didn't feel right about it so she still hasn't worn one but it looks like she may be doing ok without it, hopefully she will be taking flight soon.

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I am not putting it on him because he is plucking its because he won't leave the sores alone long enough for them to heal up. I do put silver cream on them everyday after they are cleaned. the vet told me he may never let his feathers grow back at this point that isn't even and issue its the sores under both his wings.

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I'm sure your vet knows his/her stuff, but I would challenge the use of a collar as they are a last resort (in my opinion). If it's a must-do, I'd ask if a tube-type of collar would be acceptable rather than the typical e-collar. The tube-type doesn't dig in like the e-collar, but still limits access to the body. A simple tube collar can be crafted from some toilet paper roll or better yet, a light foam tube, and covered with vet wrap.


Either collar type requires frequent removal and checking the skin underneath. And, I would never leave a bird unattended with a collar on.


Be ready for Mo Jo to be a terror and feel traumatized for bit after the collar goes on. Take your time getting it on him.

Edited by Spinner
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I am sorry to hear you are going through a tough time along with mo jo. Surely you and your vet have been on top of this condition for a while and you are doing what is necessary to make the best of what you have. I have seen birds that adapt to the collar with all the supervision and guidance you will be providing. Hopefully new toys, treats and lots of attention will get him through the worst of it and it won't have to stay on long. Good luck, keep your chin up and this too shall pass.

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Collars can be a help for a situation where the healing either hurts or is very itchy. I live with a self mutilating Elanora Cockatoo and it is needed to keep this otherwise happy and loving bird from requiring surgery to close the areas he opens up. He came to me (after several homes some of them not very good) having had two surgeries to repair all the damage to his chest. His diet, bathing and interactions are all improved from when we got him but he is not able to get out of this syndrome. Praying for a cure but till then wears both a jaunty jacket and a collar most of the time. If the vet suggested it try it and see if he will allow it to heal, spray mist or shower him frequently after removing it.

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So we went to the vet today she had two different types of collars the one she tried first which I assume is better and looks like it would have been less inturisive she was calling a ball looks like one that snaps around the neck but when put on the floor to see how he would react he could still reach enough to pick so had to go with satellite looking one. Have had to use that type on dogs before but this is a first for me. there is vet tape around the side that is up against his throat so plastic doesn't cut in. God I hope he heals quickly because he def doesn't like it and I can't say that I blame him. But this was the last resort. Is praying for a fast healing. Thanks to everyone who has commented.

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I think it's a case of try it and see how it goes. I know someone who's grey had one and he was so unhappy he stopped eating and was generally subdued, the parrot had to be returned to the vet for the collar to come off, cream was used instead. This doesn't mean that your grey won't tollerate it though, some just accept it better than others.

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Well he very much doesn't like it and I have to hold his bowls for him so he can get in them unless I sit them on the floor and put him down to the floor. As far as cream working we have been using the cream everyday for about three weeks now and yes it has gotten much better but he still picks and makes it worse. So I hope with him not picking it won't take long for it to heal plus he is still doing the antibiotics twice a day.

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He seems to be getting use to it at this point. He is learning how to get were he wants to get with it on. He is not screaming like he was doing so he has settled down a bit. He is even stretching his wings alot further than I have seen him do.

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