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Rene's Changes


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Well things have been on a day to day basis with Rene, we have good days, and we have bad. I have been trying to get him to eat and today I figured out he likes to eat in the cage not out lol..Ok now on to how we handle Rene, up until today I was not allowed to ask for a step-up when he is out of the cage, unless he flies to the floor or somewhere in the house he will gladly hop up onto my hand. Petting is permitted as long as it is through cage bars. Well today, I was cleaning up the foot toys he throws all over the floor and placing back into his "play dish" and he put his head under my fingers so I took that invitation and started scratching him, one thing led to another and he crawled up into my hand and was like beaking me playing with my fingers and making kissy noises. I would scratch at his neck and top of his head, his pupils were pinning but I am assuming it was excitement right? I sat on to the couch and we continued all happy and then it happened lol... wings dropped and he started making the whiny kissy noises... I was crushed lol... it hurt to have to tell him I love him and place him back to his cage :( :( :( And now he is mad at me, he was just trying to tear apart my curtains, end table and finger hahaha... well at least now I know he at least finds me some what compatible LOL Bonnie

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Ah - what a (half) triumph!! What a shame it had to end in that way - but if Rene is going to be a dirty boy, then unfortunately the love affair must be thwarted!!! Good to hear there is at least a small breakthrough, and at least he sounds as though he loves you very much :)

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If you stop touchig him and just let him pant and walk around, it's fine. Our Grey does this at times and he does not get aggressive at all. He will just wind down from his little cute panting with wings dropped and go about playing in about 20 seconds.


Also note: Just don't tickle under the wings, breast or place your hand on his back. Head and neck scratching is ok.


As long as your grey settles down, there is no need to cage him. He will not understand what he did worng if he did not do something agressive that he woul dlink to the caging, like biting you.

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Thanks Dan, I wasn't exactly sure what to do as today is literally the first day he let me get him to step up and receive some petting! I just had him with me again, and all was fine, but he kept trying to get to my shoulder and that for now is still a no no, only because I am not 100% comfortable yet... Thanks again Bonnie

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I just had him with me again, and all was fine, but he kept trying to get to my shoulder and that for now is still a no no, only because I am not 100% comfortable yet... Thanks again Bonnie


You are so right, you have to be comfortable with that Bonnie and you will know when and if that should happen. I am starting to see some signs that Josey is being a little hormonal, she is becoming sexually aware and I think she grabs my fingers with her foot trying to get me to touch her on her back and I won't do it, she hasn't quite started the drooping wings thing or panting yet but it won't be long.

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