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I just had a wake up call when I was getting Rene's breakfast ready, I have been trying to feed him outside of his cage but hadn't really thought of using he regular dishes inside his cage well... Rene just enjoyed a full breakfast INSIDE his cage... He had a tiny portion of scrambled egg with shell, 1 grape 1 grape tomato a few multi grain cheerios and a 1/4 a slice of toast with peanut butter.. I know that seems like alot but I am trying to find out what he likes etc. SOOOO I think I have found he prefers to eat in... instead of dining out lol...

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It does sound like a lovely breakfast!! Well done for figuring out his dining preferences - Alfie likes it the other way round!! They know what they like though - it's just up to us to understand them Lol - sometimes easier said than done!!

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thank you :) he ate the inside of the grape and tomato leaving just the skins, all the cheerios, but only a bite or so of egg, he also tossed the toast right out and fed my dogs lol... so now I have to think about supper .... I felt like such a dummy when he went right over and started eating, now we'll see if he will eat other things. Thanks again Maggie a I printed out our previous convo's so I have a handy list in the kitchen!

Edited by JJsHoney
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Ah, Rene's a little home bird! Harvey though is the same as Alfie - tends to dine out more than in (costs a fortune in tips :) )!!!


Good to see you're finding a combination that suits you both (and offering the dogs a tasty treat or two along the way too)!! :)

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