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Alfie's first holiday


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We hadn't planned on going away until next weekend, but Friday was such a lovely day, we decided to pack up the camper and take off. We started to sing "Summer Holiday" on the way, but since we decided to set up camp in the field where we keep the horses, we only managed one verse!! We thought because we didn't know how Alfie was going to take to it, we'd better not go far, plus it's a lovely spot with woods and a river.

The horses were a bit suspicious when we arrived, but soon settled down when they realised we had FOOD!!




Leah tried to come in the tent once!



The only time they got a bit upset was during the night when I had to go out and.....listen to the quiet and calm of the night (;)). The tent zip must have upset them as all I saw was one of the horses, probably Gavin cos he's the drama queen of the group, trotting along the top of the field at 500 mph with his tail in the air, snorting his disapproval!


I have to say, Alfie took to this camping lark like a duck to water. She wasn't a bit of bother and seemed to take everything in her stride. We thought she might object to the big scary tent, but nope, just watched us put it up, then we took her in it, let her out of her cage and she just went and sat on her little perch and had a preen!



Then she put her harness on and we all went out and had a little flying session.



Before relaxing in the evening sun while we had some supper - bliss!!



She even got cocky enough to go on to the ground for a pringle I dropped!



Found time for some group photos....




She ate well....



relaxed well...



and slept well!! We took along her birdy bunk (you know how there's nothing like your own bed) as soon as I hung it up and showed her it - around 10pm - she went straight in and never came out agian till 7am!! I was amazed! We never heard a peep from her all night! I guess your bed is your bed, wherever it is hanging!!



She dined in her cage for breakfast then had a little mid morning nap!





When it was time to go home, she had a rake through the bags to make sure I'd packed everything - doublechecked the toothbrush - not sure why.





Gavin made sure we took everything away with us and left nothing behind!



I think Leah wanted to come too, but Tia put her right on that score!



It was really great to have everyone together for a little while! We had a whale of a time.


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Oh Lyn - I have laughed and laughed my lunchtime away at your story! Absolutely hilarious! I have shown all in my office the story board too - and they are amazed at your weekend!! I absolutely love the picture of Tia squaring up to Leah! Mint! Made my day!


Looks like you had a great time - Alfie must be so laid back it is unbelievable! Great pictures - I have thoroughly enjoyed myself!!! :)

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Wow Lyn it looks like you all had a swell time camping and Alfie took it all in stride, now you know you can do this any time you want to for she loved it, its nice to "get away" even if it isn't too far, glad you had cooperating weather for it and thanks so much for sharing the pictures with us, shame you couldn't have been in at least one of them, let him have the camera next time.

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Oh Lyn, absolutely brilliant! Great pictures and video of Alfie and the rest of your animals.


We are also away next weekend Frid - Mon and we're taking Beau (mum & dad will be calling in on Argyle, I feel so bad not taking him but out car is too small for 2 travel cages on top of everything else, I did offer to leave Jordan but mum & dad were having none of it lol! Just kidding) with us, a few weeks back we took Beau away in his travel cage and he hated it, the travel cage and being away I think. Anyway I hope he handles it better this time as we are away longer. Anyway Alfie seems to have caught the travel bug even if it is just a hundred yards or so away lol!

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Thanks folks! I don't think Alfie minds the horses so long as they don't get too close - Leah came for a sniff once, Alfie flapped but I think Le got the bigger fright!!

I thought I'd get at least one phone call from the neighbours to tell us there were campers in the field - lol, I guess they knew it must have been us!!

As for the pics Judy - I'm not in many of them cos I'm allergic to that side of the camera!!!

Thanks for the comments folks


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What a fantastic experience for all of you. I especially like that you were close to home! That's my kind of camping, I like to be able to zip back if I forgot anything, or if I'm not enjoying the air mattresses. It looks like Alphie had a great time, and I'm certain all that fresh air was just wonderful for her! Gorgeous horses too!

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I like to be able to zip back if I forgot anything, or if I'm not enjoying the air mattresses. !

Oh don't even get me started on the sleeping arrangements! Too late!! The bed.........well lets just say my two hours sleep left me a little bit cranky! And we were playing on saturday night too - so late to bed then - come sunday I was Knackered!!! Still had great fun though!

I should mention, one casualty of the weekend, although this happened on sunday when we went for a walk, and not during the camping trip - Alfie has finally chewed all the way through her harness, so she will be C.B. for a while - I'll have to hit eBay again!!

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As for the pics Judy - I'm not in many of them cos I'm allergic to that side of the camera!!!



Aww come on Lyn we all know what you look like and we like seeing you with Alfie, at least one or two every now and then just to appease us pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

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Sharing your wonderful adventure with us through words and picturees has made my day. Thank you!!!


Thank you Howardine, and I in turn, find it a privelege, to share my experiences with Alfie, with such wonderful, caring, parrot mad people as yourselves!! If something happens with Alf, I simply can't wait to get back to my laptop and share with you all - knowing that you will appreciate it for what it is - a truly amazing experience with a truly amazing creature!


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Aww come on Lyn we all know what you look like and we like seeing you with Alfie, at least one or two every now and then just to appease us pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!


Sigh, very well Judy. I'm reasonably happy with this one, although it's not very well focused.

IMG_5656me little..jpg;)

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