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Misconceptions lol


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So today I took Yoshi on our most successful outing with the harness yet :) we went down to walk by the water near our house... And Yoshi loved it!


I struggled getting the harness on her... I get it on just fine but then it takes me forever to tighten it and Yoshi gets upset and starts to put her feet through it... But eventually it was right and away we went!


Sorry I forgot the camera so no pictures unfortunately but I'm sure there will be a next time! She sat on the dock... We saw dolphins and pelicans... She seemed a bit nervous of all the big pelicans! We passed a couple people who all thought Yoshi was neat :)


A couple people remarked on her pigeon like body... And then we passed this father and daughter, probably about 5 years old, and the father says "look she's got a parrot!" to which the girl looked and shook her head "that's not a parrot... Parrots have lots of pretty colored feathers." Aww poor Yoshi! I think her feathers are pretty lol :P so the girl was not impressed!


But yep... Lots of fun with the harness. Just keep trying it guys because it really is worth it!

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It's funny, a friend of mine came over today to visit, and she didn't know that I now had Rene, after sitting for a little while Rene made his bomb impression, which I always respond with a loud excited "GOOD JOB!" and my friend was startled (how she didn't notice the huge cage in the corner is beyond me lol) and she looks at him turns to me and says "why didn't you get a pretty bird??? he's just.... gray" !!!!!OMG lol I think Rene is absolutely gorgeous oohh well...


and Jess i'm glad you had a good walk today next time don't forget the camera!! hahaha

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Well done Jess, on getting the harness on and Yoshi out for a nice walk - sounds like you had a fine time.

I find the tightening of the harness the fiddley bit that takes the time too - one little trick, if you don't do it already, where you have to feed the belt throught the buckle to tighten it, before you put the harness on , leave the little section of harness that is actually in the buckle, a little loose, like raised, so it's easy to get a hold of and you can tighten it quick.

Lol, I love the reactions you get off folk - we were out with Alfie yesterday and one old couple took her photo!

Looking forward to seeing those photos.

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I love it when the members can take their grey out on their harness for some fresh air and sunshine and those are typical reactions to seeing them, you can certainly pick out non bird people, they stand out like a sore thumb, greys are one of the most beautiful of the avian community in my opinion.

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Ha ha! Nice job! I do the same thing as Lyn with the loop in the buckle, silly Paco goes right for it and usually tightens it up himself so that I can just wait. It's getting it off where I lose my fingers and he steps on the harness as well.


This morning I had Paco out and about with me and we had stopped in a parking lot to allow me to finish my Tim Hortons (Canada's favourite coffee) when Paco let out a very loud wolf whistle. First the large, angry man looked at me, I quickly pointed at the bird on my hand, he walked away shaking his head, then an older lady came up and thanked me, she said it was the first time she felt that she had been whistled at in some years. She was quite smitten with Paco, but thought that I was the Bird Whisperer that had coaxed a wild bird to me! LOL!

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