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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


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All of our greys have their most precious moments, their most conniving moments and their down right mean and evil moments. So I thought it would be interesting to hear about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of each of our greys.


Ana Grey:

The Good:

Ana Grey can be the sweetest most loving little grey anyone can every ask for. She wings in for a landing and immediately waddles up to my cheek for a gentle touch followed by the kissing sound. Makes my heart warm immediately. 2447.gif


The Bad:

Everytime Ana Grey sees me pick up Sully (male eclectus) to return him to his cage she dive bombs him with her claws in the most mean and vicious way that the first time I saw it, I thought she was possessed. She is very jealous of any show of affection/attention he gets. s_evil.gif


The Ugly:

I usually open the blinds in the bird room first thing in the morning so the sun can come in for my fids. Well I forgot, and Ana Grey proceeded to ventilate the blinds right in the middle so she can see out. There is now a three-missing-blind opening in the bird room blinds so that the bird room will never be deprived of sunshine again!!!! Or course, Sully thanks Ana Grey as it is his cage that sits under the blinds and he so loves the sun. Perhaps she doesn't hate him after all!!!! :)



So tell us about your grey, the good, the bad and the ugly!

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He he! This is kind of a fun post, thanks! It'll be interesting to see what gets posted.




The Good: After any moment that causes him any stress at all, he immediately wants kisses, even if that stress is from a stranger, like the vet. This started when he was very young, and it continues to this day.


The Bad: His newest and most favourite repetoire is to do a very loud immitation of a crow cawing before moving into a police car's siren, then my telephone, finished off by snorting like a pig! I'm not crazy about the crow sound, so am trying to ignore it, but man is it loud and happening alot! Oh, there, right now! LOL!


The Ugly: He is a walking destruction crew! He goes through toys faster than I ever imagined, shreds wood, paper, busts plastic and lets it all fall where it may! If he doesn't get this interaction with destruction, then he gets quite nippy with me.

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Very good post! :)




The Good: She is just so lovable and does so many things that brighten up my day :) She is very trusting of me and will let me do anything to her with little more than a whine... it's great to be trusted and a big responsibility!


The Bad: She is very much an attention hog and has a high pitched yell that drives my husband especially crazy... it sure does hurt your ears if you are in the same room but busy and she decides you aren't paying her enough attention! I buy her several toys to distract her and that helps, but does not solve the problem!


The Ugly: Between me and Yoshi, I can't say there is an 'ugly'. I understand that when she does something it's for a reason. She isn't evil. I'm a pretty calm person with a good amount of patience. BUT the ugly has to be between Yoshi and my husband :/ They have a good friendship and can do great together, but when it comes to Yoshi being naughty if my husband tries to put her in her cage it's WAR. She attacks, yells... my husband gets frustrated and isn't calm enough with her. It's a big mess. If I put her away when she has been bad, she grumbles a tiny bit, but other than that goes peacefully. My husband gets bites and doesn't want anything to do with her usually for the rest of the night. Me, on the other hand, even if I'm upset at something she has done, 10 minutes later all is forgiven and I go to get her. Of course she is eagerly waiting to get out of her cage again and jumps on my shoulders and lowers her head for scratches and kisses... who couldn't forgive something that lovable? :)

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Have to think about this one. PRECIOUS

The GOOD: Just about EVERYTHING! Especially when I'm at this distance missing her terribly.


The BAD: When she decides to make the sound of the paper shredder. It sends my younger daughter crazy.

Have to admit it's loud in the superlative.


The UGLY: The chewed furniture that my sister and I had shared long ago. Precious could move so much faster than I that she managed to take some sizable chunks out of the vanity.

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Janet this is a smashing thread - can't wait to see what comes up from everyone!


The Good - The cuddles, the kisses, the way she sits on your knee everynight for some quality time, the cute little animal noises she does, the way she holds her food when she's eating, the way she calls herself sweatheart, when she flies through the house to come and find you, when she says "hello" when you come home, when she tells herself "good girl" for flying to her perch for a whoopsie, when she sits in a quiet spot twice a day and goes through her entire repertoire, when she holds on to your collar with one claw to steady herself when we're out for a walk (so cute), how she says hello when the phone rings, how she makes me smile even when I don't feel like it, how she lets me pick up each little foot to inspect it and probably a hundred other things I can't think of at the minute!


The Bad - Most definitely Alfies bad is chewing - she's wrecked the 3 piece and taken chunks out of a pine dresser. She's even chewed the leather seats in the Dayvan we only just got - I don't think David noticed this yet - we can maybe emigrate before he does!!


The Ugly - Has to be when she dives on the dogs - not very often, but occasionally, and sometimes for no reason. Monkey!!

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What a great thread Janet! What a smashing idea! Have loved reading everyone's replies! Here's mine ~ Harvey:


The Good: He has a way of reading my emotions, and if I'm a bit sad he is sooooo sweet and will pop along and just sit on my knee and let me kiss him to death (not literally of course).

The Bad: He goes into the conservatory, up onto the top rail of the vertical blinds and proudly picks them off, one by one, and enjoys watching them drop to the floor.

The Ugly: He's not very tolerant of my nieces, and will dive at them and try and land on their heads - I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and therefore he is caged on their arrival.

Can't wait to hear some more!!!

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Genius for coming up with this thread!

The Good: There is never a dull moment with Kopi in the house. He definitely has a sense of humor because he mocks my voice and has me thinking I better get a coach to teach me how to sound sweet and nice like some of our other lady members. My favorite of all is that he will tell us he is a good boy, a good good boy. He gives himself plenty of praise with Good boy Kopi, good good. So obviously he was thinking ahead to be prepared for this thread.

The Bad: He has only been here two months so we are still in the honeymoon period. We did take him out in the car on Saturday and he has had a three day grumpfest. Life was all sunshine and roses as he rode in his backpack and made jungle hoots and was excited and animated. When he saw his Mama Ann for the first time in two months, he was not manageable,he tried to bite her and would not step up and he came home with attitude and bit me three times. We weathered the storm and didn't let him get the best of me, and thankfully he is back to his pleasant little self again. He does not want to be anywhere but in or on his own cage, period. As long as he will let me pick him up and bring him back, we are still going slow but interacting physically every day, still 99 % good.

The Ugly: That would be me. LOL. I have a fifty year head start, he'll never catch up. LOL

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Spock here! This is a Grey't thread...



The Good: She always has warm breakfast and dinner for me!!!!


The Bad:To many thing's she won't let me get into, I know what I'm doing!


The Ugly: Really, Hmmph, Bed time, it's logical, only I know when I'm tired!!!!



Live Long and Prosper

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