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Warm Feet


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Not nuts!, Our Grey's have a high metabolism, their body temp is our fever temp. You can feel the temp change in their feet. Would you believe they used to take a birds temperature by way of rectum! Jayd

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Okay, I was just curious if anyone else experienced this. Sometimes he will fly to me and sit on my knee and I am thinking, "I don't remember his feet being that warm". Most often I am feeling exactly what I expect the temperature to be, but sometimes they feel like they nget warm.


Would you believe they used to take a birds temperature by way of rectum!


LOL...I can't say that I thought about it too much, but thank you for that information JayD :) "Noooo nooooo not the vent, ahhh man!!"

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It has been really warm here in the UK today (yes, shock horror) and we've had Harvey in the garden for six hours (in the shade). His feet are BOILING!!! They are so warm - but his beak matches too. I've made sure that he is highly hydrated by offering him ice cubes - he finds these a novelty and doesn't often drink when he's outside in his cage - so the ice cubes hit the spot. It's not nearly 10pm and he's flat out - he's in his cage and absolutely statue like - I've just covered him - I love fresh air!! Let's hope there is more to come!


On the cold note - I noticed during our coldest weather how cold his feet were, and was quite shocked when I picked him up in the morning :)

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I've noticed this at times too. I ask Paco to step up and am shocked that his feet are so warm, and yes, his beak always seems to match. I also notice his body temparature, nowadays he only gets shoulder time when the lights are off and we are cuddling a bit, I end up being the one to call it off because it is like having a round heating pad sitting on my shoulder, I start to sweat and call it a night.


I especially notice it after we have been outside and he's a bit anxious with all the new experiences.

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Wow, this is truly interesting. I am glad to hear that others have noticed this too. I had been wondering if it was some anxiety based raction or surrounding temperatures. It's really interesting to read peoples recognition of this. Thank you all for responding. :)

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I was just thinking this the other day. Their feet look so reptilian that I assume they will be colder than they are. But they are warm blooded critters so they are not. And yes, I notice that sometimes they are much hotter than others.

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I had asked my vet about this a while ago and she explained that when the parrot's heartbeat increases due to stress, excitement, panic, etc.. their digits( toes) will warm up. This is quite normal but at the same time you want to pay attention to see what may be stressing or exciting your parrot. This happens also happens when they are active and fly around alot.

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I remember reading on this forum that if the bird is very relaxed when they step up on your hand their feet will be very warm. It has to do with how comfortable they are sitting on your hand. So I've tried to see if that was true. I've noticed that when Tobie is tense and squeezing my hand like a vice grip his feet are cold. If his feet feel warm it is always when he is holding my hand very softly and not squeezing me hard at all. See if you can notice this correlation.

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When Houdini's feet is cold I figure he is cold all over. After he sits on my arm or shoulder for awhile they get warm. His beak does the same so when his beak is cold what I do is scratch his head he will put his head down against my cheek while I am scratching his head and then his beak will warm up. lol dont know if I am suspose to do that or not. but I just figured that cold feet and beak means he is cold so I cuddle with him till they are warm again...lol

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