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your job??


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Im considering getting an african gray but im a little worried that i work full time, im a teacher so even though i get good hols every term i will be out of the house from 8-4/5 5 days a week.

My partner will be home between this and prob can let the gray out of its cage but if not will it be ok in its cage from 8am till 4/5PM?

Im sure some of you on here must have full time jobs, just wondered how you worked it?



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Yes, I live alone and work full time. Issac seems no worse for the wear when I leave him home for those hours, I also leave some light music playing for him and lots of toys in his cage. On the flip side, I let him out the whole time I am home which is anywhere between 5-8 hours a day of out-time. This is still on the high end for recommended out time. I heard there must be a minimum of 3 hours of out-of-cage time but someone can correct me if I am wrong. I read about some members being gone for 10 hours during the day and their birds are just fine. Just be sure to spend quality time with them when you are home. My schedules can be as follows:


Wake up at 7:30 and let Issac out, fed him and such

Back to cage around 8:45 for the day, leave some music on and the windows open so he can see outside too. Fresh water and veggies and mix for the day

Back home at around 4:30 - 5PM, let him out and feed him

(At this point, sometimes I have to go care for my daughter away from home and willbe gone from 6-8PM so i will leave then, otherwise he is out from the time I get home till 10-11PM)

Put Issac to bed around 10:30 or so.



Weekends are different, he may have much more attention then. From what I can see, he is a very healthy and happy bird. Read other forums to also see what kind of love and care these guys require as they are highly interactive and need lots of attention. However, your schedule seems to permit owning a grey without the worry of neglect. :)

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Hi Clare, not to worry you are entitled to a life besides your grey. I commend you for researching what it means to be a grey owner and not just jumping in. Some of our members are employed full time and their greys are just fine. Just give your grey quality time when you are home and see that your grey has lots of foraging and other toys to keep him busy. Also make sure before you leave for work that your grey has fresh water, pellets and other foods to snack on while you are gone. Leave a radio on or TV so that your grey has sounds to hear and learn to mimic from. I find kid channels to be very entertaining for my fids. Explain to your grey where you are going and acknowledge your grey when you come home. I don't work but my fids are in their cages from 7:00 pm to 10 am almost everyday. I am a night person and my grey does just fine with this schedule. But when I am up and home my fids' cage doors are always open and they are with me constantly. Consistency and a schedule of quality time is what your grey will want. And of course lots of good food. I can't wait to hear about your new grey when you get one.

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Thats great thanks

I get up at 6.30am but dont leave for work till 8am so we can have time then to have breakfast etc.

Then im always back by 5 so he/she can be out all night from then on and like u said weekends im home all day apart from nipping places.

I will make sure he/she gets pleanty of food and toys and i will leave the channels on (I can imagine childrens TV is funny)

Im think ill be ready in about a year which will give me pleanty of reading and learning time, plus time to make sure i have EVERYTHING LOL

Edited by eubankclare
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I work full-time, plus... I get up a half hour earlier than I need to, I use some of that time for "me" time (coffee), then I let Paco out to stretch, flap his wings, etc., before taking him to the kitchen to make breakfast together. He loves doing this with me! He eats while I get ready for work and then I tell him where I'm going and leave at 8:30 returning anywhere from 5 - 6:00 pm. As soon as I get home he comes out and stays out until we go to bed, usually 10 pm.


He is happy, and seems to have a great time with his toys during the day, I just make sure he has a constant rotation, and leave the tv on. Good job on researching before getting one. Make sure you understand the responsibility and expense you will be taking on. I thought I knew, but it is way more than I thought, but I'm not complaining, I just had to make lifestyle changes.

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Thanks, took my snake to the vets today and they see parrots too so i know i have a good vet when i get him/her. Im going to get a nice big cage so he/she has pleanty room in the day and then we will have perches around the house for when we are home. Decided im going to have a baking day and do some of the recipies on the website and will try and prep at night so i can spend more time in the morning playing.

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Everyone has given you the most excellent advice. Some thing that's I find really helps, is reassurance.....What we've done for many years is tell our fid's, "We'll be right back, I promise!", When we first get a new fid, we say this, go out the door for 5 minute, come back in and say exuberantly, "Were Home!!!. while do this a while, each time staying out longer. They'll let you know if their upset!!! Since your partner we'll be home, no problem....Jayd

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Ha Ha! The holidays that you lot get!!! That parrot of yours will think he's got a full time parront!!! :P


Like the others have said - they are fine when you leave them - I work full time too and leave the house at 06.15am and don't return until 16.00 - Harvey's never plucked or shown any signs of distress - I think he quite enjoys the peace (oh and the oldies on Smooth radio)!!


Well done for researching Clare - you might find it's time to embrace a grey sooner than you think! :)

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I work full time. I got Morgan a larger cage (28 x 42inches), so he has plenty of playspace when I'm at work. I work long hours, so Morgan usually gets out probably 5 days a week. On weekends, he gets a lot more time out than weekdays. I try to put him to bed between 8- 9pm, because he is up between 6 and 7am. I really want him to get 10-11 hours sleep. I find if he only gets 9 hours, he can be kinda cranky....


He is literally like having a child in the house. He needs and wants my attention. I think it's a great idea to adopt your bird while you're on vacation. Remember, the patterns you set are the ones your bird will learn to expect.


As an aside, if Morgan is out more than 2 hours, he often goes back to his cage on his own. Sometimes when I open the cage, he doesn't come out for 5-10 minutes. He is therefore not "begging" to get out of the cage, though I think it's best for him to fly daily, if possible, just for the exercise. He really loves his cage. So I don't feel like it is "punishment" that he's not out more. I suggest you focus on making your bird's cage a wonderfully safe and fun home. It will be his "kingdom" and safe haven that he will enjoy while you're away.

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I work full time myself and Josey is in her cage during the time I am at work, my hubby gets home before I do but he doesn't let them out, I let them out when I get in and they stay out until their bedtime, they are out more on the weekends but they can adapt to your schedule and as long as they have toys and such to occupy their time then they will be fine.

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I am working more now than I did when I first got my 3. They used to be out all day every day. I am fortunate to be able to give them about 2 hours every morning, I prepare their breakfast, clean up, shower, get dressed, get their cages ready for the day while they fly around and play. They go in their cages with a special treat, I say, "I have to go to work, be back soon, okay?" They say it back to me! :) I put the kids tv shows on, or the Bird Sitter dvd and say I love you and off I go until I get home later around 6 or 7. The first thing I do is let them out and spend time with them while I'm on my laptop or watching tv, then off to bed around 8:30-9pm. My schedule is different every day, some days they are out all day, some half, some all day. They just go with the flow........you don't need to be rigid about their schedules as long as you have enough toys, treats, food in their cages and interact with them. They will do fine!

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I'm sorry, did you say "your snake"? If I read that correctly, please keep in mind that snakes are a natural enemy of a bird. Please keep the two far, far away from one another, the poor snake will only be doing what's natural, but I have read of people who had both as pets woke up in the morning to find their snake in their parrots cage, to engorged from swallowing the bird to be able to fit back out through the bars. I can't imagine the shock and horror that would cause me! I'm sorry, this might sound a little harsh, but I wouldn't have the two in the house together, it's just to dangerous for the parrot.

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Why haven't I got a bird that does this!!! I reckon if I gave him the chance Harvey would stay out forever! I want one too!!!


Josey will go back into her cage all by herself, of course she is not capable of flying away from me but if she is on her cage top then she goes in by herself, in fact she will go back inside to play during some of her time out, she has always done this but I know it could change once she regains flight.

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I do full time shift work.Charlie my grey and Cracker my tiel do great with this.The important thing is quality time when you get home.I always leave foraging toys and stuff for them to wreck and rip up. It does mean a lot of adjustment,for instance I dont go out again once I am in from work and I plan ahead a lot more, but yes you can keep a grey and work.

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Thanks for filling me in on the snake... You are going to be amazed at how attached you become to your parrot, any problems, injuries, etc., are devastating!


Ryan is so right, you will think you have added a member of the family so be prepared for the attachment and committment that goes with it.

I am glad to hear your snakes are in a different building and that you are aware of cleaning up after handling them and before touching your grey.

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