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Poor Yoshi :(


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So things were going well tonight, like usual, until I left Yoshi a moment to go to the bathroom saying 'i will be back' ... I took longer than expected and Yoshi started her yelling. Well my husband, obviously frustrated, came in to take her back to her cage until I could get to her. Yoshi knows when he is frustrated at her and usually freaks out not wanting back in her cage... I get out of the bathroom five minutes later and go talk to my husband, who says she bit him and is bleeding on his finger... Then let Yoshi out to find in horror that she has some broken tail feathers :( I'm really sad for her! My husband didn't seem too concerned and I demanded to know what happened. He says she flapped off her perch onto the bed, he caught her and she bit him... He put her into the cage and she dove in hard... And that's when the feathers probably got messed up...


I'm just upset... Juggling corcern for Yoshi and my husband not feeling attacked or whatever because I don't feel he is calm enough with her sometimes. He gets frustrated and doesn't understand that doesn't help with Yoshi. Mostly Im worried right now about her tail... 3 broken feathers and she is obviously irritated by them as she keeps preening them. I've attached a picture of my poor baby...



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Jess, she'll be fine - don't worry about it. I think probably the best advice here is what happens in our house. If my hubby gets in a position with Harvey that he is uncomfortable with, or if Harvey is refusing to step up and attacking him, he calls for me to come and retrieve Harvey. This is usually from upstairs when Harvey has followed him and my husband is ready to come down (but Harvey has never worked out how to come down the stairs - no proble getting up them though) - so I just trot on up and bring him down (Harvey, not Michael)!!!


Your hubby is frustrated of his relationship with Yoshi - and by displaying it to Yoshi it's never going to get better, so just ask him to "kindly" butt out! :)

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Not sure if it's possible, but you should let your husband should not handle Yoshi in my opinion, for his and Yoshi's sake.


A large angry adult can do serious damage to a 1 pound bird with hollow bones.


Yoshi will be fine, but may hate your husband even more now and the next time he tries to get her could end up with Yoshi attacking even more than this first time.

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It clearly seems that your husband gets frustrated too quickly for Yoshi's sake and he should back off for now as she knows this and it will only get worse if he keeps pushing it with her. This kind of behavior is never going to work for him if he doesn't learn to settle down and take it a little easier with her. I don't mean he shouldn't have anything to do with her, quite the contrary he should still interact with her but she doesn't like him right now and if he continues to react this way then it may be the beginning of many vicious bites from her.

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I think this was a wake up call to him that she can get hurt and he saw how upset I was about it so hopefully things go better now. Normally they interact very well together my husband just gets frustrated fast when she is yelling... I'm taking your advice though and putting her back most of the time myself now as I can be more calm with her and while she grumbles at going in her cage for a short timeout she never flips out or bites me. If you just take it easy with Yoshi than she is fine, but soon as you show any aggression or frustration she gets upset and then it's just much worse for everyone.


Also guys, Yoshi is doing great. She pulled out the two broken feathers during the night and it seems the third was just bent and it's neatly tucked in again. So that's a relief!

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