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Janet, You Get Your Revenge


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Janet, I've made no secret about how amusing I found it that sweet little Ana Grey was imitating a crow last year...


This morning when I got Paco up and started to make his breakfast I noticed a whole host of new sounds. The first was a perfect imitation of a police siren (I live on a fairly busy street), followed immediately by a perfect (and loud) caw like a crow that I knew he heard this weekend, finished off by an immitation of my telephone.


I didn't react, just ignored it and carried on with my day. Now I'm sitting here trying to write a paper for school tomorrow and all these new noises are loudly being immitated! The crow is especially concerning as it nearly scares me out of my skin everytime he does it!


What an adventure... I hope spring is bringing you all new sounds as well!

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Oh Ryan my heart bleeds for you, really!!!!! Laughing-2.gif You know that Golden Rule aka the Rule of Karma, Whatever Goes Around Comes Around, so I will not be laughing at your predicament. Okay maybe a few well placed snickers!!!! 24.gif All I can say is try to make the best of these new sounds and ignore them the best you can. Perhaps some earphones will help!!!! laughing5.gif Sorry but I just can't help it!!! Revenge is sweet!!!!!! Thank you Paco!!!!! Ana Grey owes you one!!!! laughinggirl-1.gif Thank you Ryan for this smile on my face!!!!! I hope your paper turns out with an A+. Honest!!!! th36_12_6.gif


Animated_Laughing_Smiley_With_Ha_Ha.gif_IMVTE1111.gif Luv Ya Janet! How sweet it is!!!!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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