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Phoebe(tanya) babys


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I made a new thread for you, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189874-If-You-Raised-a-Grey!-10wk-s-or-Older!!!!!&p=197097#post197097 So check.What I hope is members will tell you about what they did with there youngsters! Some of the info you can use some you won't. It should be fun. I'll still answer all questions on this thread...Lets have fun!!!


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Hi, .5 and .6 kilograms equal 500 and 600 grams, this is way to much, that would be the weight of a large adult Grey. Could it be pounds instead of kilograms? if so than they would be 226+ grams and 272+ grams which is OK!!!!!. Now, can you do this every morning after there big poop and before they eat, so I can see how their doing? Thanks Tanya.......Jayd.

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I'm sorry Tanya, the scale needs to read in Grams, , I'm so sorry, I know how hard your trying, and your doing real good, I tell every one I know how good [and scared] you are doing. Don't ever give up!!!!Jayd

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omg, its almost time to feed and the twins have been eatting the last 20mins non stop.so, i hope they eat good form. before bed.we will see.they are doing really good eatting the seeds but not much pellits. the smaller one drink water better then the bigger one.just to let u know..thanks

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Sorry, was off-line having dinner, that's great, next time feed them 60cc's, solid food is different than formula, just watch their crop! The amount of water their drinking is fine. I bet their cute on their blankie...Good night Jayd

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ok ill give that much to them in the morn. yes, when i put there blanket in there cage after there last feeding they will climb back in and scrach around there blanket till its where they want its.like a dog fixing its bed. what are they going to do when they get to big for there blankets?they still sleep on the floor of there cages.i wanted them to stay warm and lie on something soft...good nite..talk tomorrow morn.TAnya

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In a week or more, they'll start sleeping on their perch, sometimes with one leg lifted. All of a sudden one day, Spock threw his blanket out of the cage, that was it. Their growing up Mama. Jayd

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Thanks, I thought about goodwill..i like going there for baby toys for my birds..

The twins ate good this morn.. trying to get a hold of my vet to see about bringing them to be weighed.Ill let you know

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ok just got back from the vet..the twins weigh...bigger grey is 570g. and the smaller grey 580g..or 1.25lb or 1.27lb. they done real good in the car.i put them in a clothes basket bc i havent got a carrier cage yet.does this sound ok?

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LOL...Thats GREY'T, big babys, keep up the good work...Sometimes you can get a dog carrier at Salvation Army for less than $10.00, just clean it with vinegar real good..........Jayd, Thank you, give them a hug for me....It's picture time!!!!!!!

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