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Phoebe(tanya) babys


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can I put the bigger grey in my bigger cage. its 2/2/3 cage??his catghing his wings on the side of the smaller cage.I know someone on here was telling the alful story about her grey dieing ina bigger cage whenher baby was 14weeks i think..he can bal. on one foot and his wings are touching each side. also. the little grey has out grown her small cage and i can move her into the one the bigger grey is in now...also, its time to name them...give me some idea. i know some ppl say it will come to me but its fun to hear ideas of everyones. i think everyone has watch them grew to this piont. I call the bigger one jackson sometimes..le about me know what u think about the cage and names?

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Good Morning, Why don't you wait a little longer. Can the babies heads fit between the bars? How are they eating? Why don't you start a new thread? Example: Help!Twins need a name!!



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ok I will...good idea jay new post..no,the bars are the same as the one the bigger grey is in the cage now.just taller.twins ate good like norm.they are eatting more pellits and seeds.they are playing more on chewy paper toys. but they want to bite me??why?

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Cleaned cages today..fun fun..also the twins didnt eat as much today. it seems like during the day they dont eat as much as they should. the smaller one ate 40cc and the bigger one eat 30c. half of what they norm eat.they eat again tonite before bed.maybe they will be more hungrey....

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I got dig. scales and they still want weigh...i even tryed a food scale they weigh to much for that.so, i dont know there weight still. ill ask my neighbor if they have scales that will weigh. these that i bought was the only ones at walmart.sorry...but they are eatting ppl food,pellits and seeds. i dont know what else to do.sorry!

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Thanks Tanya, When you decide which one your going to keep, some of the time when you play with him, take him into another room away from the other baby, spend more personal time with the one you choose. But don't ignore the other one, more bonding......Thanks


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I got dig. scales and they still want weigh...i even tryed a food scale they weigh to much for that.so, i dont know there weight still. ill ask my neighbor if they have scales that will weigh. these that i bought was the only ones at walmart.sorry...but they are eatting ppl food,pellits and seeds. i dont know what else to do.sorry!

Here's a link to one of the scales Walmart carry's......http://www.walmart.com/ip/The-Biggest-Loser-Digital-Food-Scale-6.6-lb.-Capacity/11090896 You weigh them in Grams, not Ounces. The scale doesn't need to be able to measure over 700 grams.. Thanks Jayd

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ok thats said easier then done. Ive tryed to pick one but its hard. they both love me. i thought that one would pick me but they both fight over me. i love them both and i would be happy with both.so, maybe if i can tell you alittle about them that everyone can help give me idea.i really dont know!ok, the bigger one is more playful,talkive,likes to see what u are doing..

the small is smaller then the other,likes to cuddle,eats good but likes to hide.not as talkive and playful yet.

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ROFLMAO... Hahahhahahahhahhah, Tanya, the'll be different each day then they are today!!! Most Grey's don't cuddle when they get older, and size doesn't matter....Keep them both.....You can go..enee-mene-mynee-moe!!!!!! Who ever you pick is going to be lucky!!!!!! Jayd

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I agree they are diff. but i do think ill keep the bigger one but dont know for sure...lol.its hard...i still have a few weeks.....im calling my dog vet tomorrow and ask if i can bring the twins over to weigh them..he might let me.. he really dont like birds but ive bought him lots of cars..lol...with my poodle wich broke her back a few years ago by jumping off a table. shes only 5 pounds..the bigger grey is almost the same size as her..

i got the twins some diff seed mix last night and they love it..but i want my on pellits.well,taking lillie (dog) for her after noon walk back on in a few...thanks

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i know...ive tryed the last two weeks.. just to let you know the smaller grey has been eatting for 30mins inseeds and pellits.none stop...but she dont like my dog. every time my dog passes the smaller greys cage that mouth pops open and she growls at her..the bigger grey dont care bc when i had himn ouy lillie licked his beak...lol

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I just feed the twins for the last time and they just dont want the form. i had to make the bigger one eat what i could till he spit it out or slings his head and the smaller one didnt want it, aftershe ate what she wanted. i stoped then she went to her bowl of pellits and seeds to eat. they just dont eat like they did days ago....

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Tanya, I wish I could be there to help. Your twin's are fine, What time do you feed them at bed time? See if you can find a scale. Nothing to be afraid about... Their doing great and so are you........Jayd

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Ill feed them at 930 and again at 930. My son goes to bed at 10. so, I try to get all babies in bed at 1000.Im going to call me my vet and see if i can bring them down there to weigh them today. they eat really good in the morn. they had 55cc this morn.and now, eatting again at out there bowl. i have there seeds and pellits mixed together should i put them in 2 bowls. i dont really want my on seeds.I think ive picked the big one and im naming him jackson.

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What your doing is great, the feedings are fine. A little seed are good for Grey's, they need the extra protein. Try your best to get your own scale, the twins need to be weighed every day after they poop and before breakfast. Other than their weight, we have no way of telling if their sick or not till it's sometimes to late. For the rest of their lives you'll need to weigh them once a week after their28 weeks old or so!

Jackson is a nice name. Thanks for the info....Jayd

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